Lanie Stevens "Empowering Women" -
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[quote=Mcleanie77]Ok so I'm hoping this is what OC thought I should share and if it's not I'm sorry just let me know exactly what you ladies want me to share and also it 3am so if this comes out like I'm rambling I'm soooo sorry I would've wrote it earlier but like I said my husband has something called trigeminal neuralgia from a prior car accident and I had to take care of him poor guy😕 So this was last February/March me and my husband were at our worst low in our 20 year marriage. We had the week prior had the most hurtful argument that we've ever had and I even got physical with him I was beyond hurt I felt like if my heart was breaking in half! So during this time it had been a week since he had even spoken to me! I remember laying there in my bed in tears because I felt I couldn't go on. I hated him but at the same time I loved him. So I set out to find books or whatever to help me either fix our marriage or give me info on how to go about getting on with my life because sometimes you stay in a bad relationship because it's all you know and it's familiar and at this point I had it with the arguing and ingnoring eachother. I'll always remember this quote saying " it's better to be alone then to be with someone who makes you feel so alone" and I truly felt like that. So anyway our relationship got to the point where we were arguing all the time we were going back and forth telling eachother really hurtful things and there was a time were we didn't speak for a whole month and a time where we went three years without even touching eachother. I will take responsibility for my part I did a lot of pretty messed up things as well! Anyway sorry back to my point so as I was searching for a lifeline I came across Lanie's book PussyWhipped the name alone caught my eye I was excited to read it. That night as I laid there next to my husband who again I said wasn't speaking to me I started reading Lanie's book I read the first few pages and I got so freaking excited I wanted to jump up and down! I think one of the reasons I was so happy was that it was a book not only on fixing your relationship but using LOA to do it! I had been studying LOA for two years and I was still struggling with it. So as I was reading the book it began filling in details that I just didn't get through my hundreds of other books I've read on LOA . The most IMPORTANT PART was when she talked about the techniques and what it was capable of doing and how I could change my world around if I just did these simple and easy to do steps to get my life back! I felt I truly found gold! I couldn't put it down I'm not even sure I was doing the techniques right the first few times but I didn't give a crap because to me what would I have to lose and if it could change my life I'm all for it! Side note "you cannot do the technique wrong"!!!! That was just the thoughts I had in my big head at the time.😋 Ok so here's the meat!! From the first day I did the technique three times a day because I really really wanted this to work and it just made me feel better doing it that much! So I noticed probably within a few days that he seem more touchy feelly then usual and that made me so excited and happy to be seeing the results although he wasnt at first saying the words I wanted him to say but it was in his actions that I knew it was working little by little. At first in my visualizations it was so hard to see him it would be pitch black and I would get frustrated I even tried looking at a picture of him before I did my mediations but I knew it didn't matter because I knew it was him standing in front of me. I had even at one time asked Lanie for help because I freaked out about the third eye thing because I wasn't familiar with that term. She told me that it's just the area where you visualize from. Then she told me to pretend like I'm going to take a nap and just relax and be peaceful and then go from there! I took her advice and it was weird like right away I started seeing him clearer and clearer everytime! So for you ladies that are having problems seeing your guy even I had problems seeing him and I actually got to see his face everyday! Weird huh! Also I was very emotional at first with him because there was a lot of emotions due to all the hurt feelings from the past so in my visualizations I would invision both of us apologizing to eachother which I think help tremendously! So by now I had been doing PW on him for a couple weeks and I was extremely happy with it! I couldn't get enough of her technique and learning more and so I purchased Lanie's book Make him burn with desire and i incorporated both of them together in the morning and then before bed. This is where it took off like a rocket!😜 No but seriously his affection for me is like when we first got together which I already said that in another thread I'm sorry for repeating myself! This to me is a very important part of the transition is that I don't feel like he's the only one that has changed. I've come so far with being able to see how negative I was about my life and certainly about him because I blamed him for everything! I should've known better too because of studying LOA but that's what denial will do to ya! I also had to do a lot of forgiving and forgetting which is super important as well as focusing on what you want! And not on what you don't want! When Lanie spoke about that in her book I was astounded on how freaking simple that sounded to me and how idiotic it was of me that I didn't think about that before!🤔 One more thing ladies is that Yes I went through a phase where I had doubts and to be honest I had a lot of days where I thought to myself "I'm not doing it right" "I didn't feel a connection"or "I didn't see him well enough" or whatever our doubtful minds come up with. I heard someone say once that when we think it's not working that's when it's working the most! I'm not sure if it's true but I know from my standpoint IT WORKS!!! Please Don't give up ladies and a few of you gentlemen that are on here!🤗 I went from a man who I couldn't stand to a man I have so much love and respect for and I know by the way he looks at me and holds me in his arms and tells me not to leave that he feels the same way!! I know it sounds cheese balls I'm sorry.😏 I still and will continue to do the mediations twice a day once in the morning and again before bed. Sometimes I also do just a quick BWD foreplay during the day like Lanie suggests we do for fun!😛 I still have a lot of work to do and I'm just so thankful for you Lanie and all our sisters on this forum for all your support and wonderful success stories that still keep me going!! I truly wish the best for each and everyone of you and I can't wait to see a hellva a lot more success stories from you ladies and hopefully from me as well because I fucking know everything you desire is possible!!!! 🤗😘🤗😘🤗😘🤗😘🤗😘[/quote]
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