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Manifesting Love - Using Power of LOA, EFT & A Love Spell Book » A LOVE SPELL that really works! » 4/29/2018 4:35 am

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How would you like to hear a true story of manifesting that did not involve getting into a meditative  state, but happened with just a thought? This is how powerful the mind is, you can think for a few seconds of something you desire and voila, you get it. That is what happened to me one day at work (I do freelance work at a store). I was taking my morning break, the break room is located upstairs. I was almost to the top of the stairs when I had the desire for fresh fruit. I thought, I should have bought some, then thought, I am not going all the way back down for fruit. When I arrived at the break room, what do you think was on the table? You got it, fresh fruit, FREE, for the taking. Our power is only limited when we think it is, if we see our power as unlimited, then it will be.

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