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General Discussion "For Women Only" » Using PW to influence the girlfriend's decision? » 9/04/2019 7:35 pm

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Say I want to use PW on my exs girlfriend and have her say things like "I will leave SP" "I do not love SP" . Can I do that?

General Discussion "For Women Only" » Challenge: Changing Beliefs about Men » 9/04/2019 7:13 pm

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I think I should change my belief. My belief is men ONLY want you for sex but the problem with that is I am basically a virgin i only had sex once. I always think noone will want me because I do not like the feeling of sex.

Success Stories » I got my ex back in three months!! » 9/04/2019 10:06 am

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This will be very long.

First i would like to give thanks to Lanie Stevens for writing PW and helpin a sista out. I am always grateful for her. In fact with every list of things I was grateful for, I listed her everytime.

So lets start off. I broke up with my ex of two years and went back home for a couple of months. We were cool after the breakup and I realized I was blocked from social media while I was gone. Upon going back to my college town, I messaged him through text and asked why I was blocked. I learned he had a new girlfriend he had been with while I was gone. Good for him you gotta move on sometime.

Well we started to meet up and hang out and reminisce about old times. Now this would have been fine if it was not behind the girlfriends back. I started to feel like I was being strung along. So I stopped it. I asked if he would tell her what was going on and he said no. Something took over me and I told her myself. She did not appreciate it and dumped him. He did not appreciate it. Upon me doing this he decided he did not want to talk to me ever again.

Feeling desperate, I remembered Lanie Stevens and read her book on Kindle. I used the techniques but in the beginning i was a bit obsessed;using the technique several times a day like more than 5 times.

A couple of obsessive RS days later, my ex called through a text app number. I was excited! I answered and it was him! He wasnt happy though. He called me tell me that he was going to meet up with me along with his girlfriend so that he could straight up tell me that "he made a mistake talking to me again" "he loves the other girl and wants to be with her" and once again "doesnt want to talk to me again." I was heartbroken. I cried and cried and when he came to knock on my door, I did not answer. I couldn't. I refused.

Now I was rather angry and I remembered LS saying how you can use this for negative but karma will bite you. I did not care. I used her technique on him AN

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