Having read the books PW and BWD, you will all know the basis of the technique comes from the teachings of Neville Goddard. The key basis of Neville's teaching was "assuming the wish fulfilled". The success of these technique are based in your mental attitude. Your success in attracting your guy back starts with you and the thoughts you are projecting.
Imagine if I gave you a new car and told you to drive 100 miles to a destination where your love was waiting for you. You get in the car, put the key in the ignition and the car doesn't start. When you look at the fuel gauge it flashes empty. With no petrol guess what the car is going nowhere.
That's what doing PW and BWD without the correct mindset is like. Think of PW and BWD as the shiny new car you have been lusting over. Now to drive that car around town you need to fill it with fuel and that fuel is your mental power.
Focusing on the current reality, holds you in fear. It clips your wings and prevents you from flying because all your current reality shows you is evidence of the unwanted.
When you look at your current situation with the guy you are trying to attract what do you see and feel?
If you answer doesn't include words like "positive/ expectant/ empowered/ detached/ at peace/ calm/ excited/ peaceful" then you need to shift your mindset.
Going back to the fuel analogue to drive a car you don't have to fill the tank full you can half fill it or quarter. So let's say you can't muster full 100% belief to power your PW/BWD sessions just a little faith and discipline and you can get your car moving. You can get on the road to your journey of getting your guy back.
It is so important you understand that the processes start with you assuming the wish fulfilled. You need to know that you have the power to get what you desire. You can not stand in the same place crying the same song and expect to get a different response. Your world reflects to you that what is internal to you.
As I said these techniques are based on Neville's teachings and I know in the books Lanie's has gracefully summed up his philosophy in an easy to understand way. To truly benefit from these techniques re-read the books, understand the message which is being protrayed "this technique will get you your man, because you hold the power within you. Your mind is the power that will get him back"
Here is a quote that sums up Neville and his teachings
"Neville was convinced of his ability to manifest any condition in life he decided to sample. His confidence was so great that all he had to do was simply assume that he was already in the state or outer environment that he wanted to experience – and sure enough, the chosen state or outer environment would become manifest.
Neville preached of ‘thinking from the end’ – experiencing a scene in your imagination that would imply that your wish had already been fulfilled. He would also talk of ‘feeling’ the required state in imagination – using your imaginal senses to touch, smell, and hear some chosen environment or circumstance."
I have many messages asking what to do to get your guy back. Firstly I would say it is all written in the books. No matter how much you think you situation is worst or different from the other person; the formula and approach is still the same.
1 - Assume the state of what you want. You want your guy back assume that you have him back. Be confident don't sit reguiguating the old story and the hurt of what has past. Say goodbye to that old self and assume your new state. Be confident (confidence is a natural byproduct of a huge inner measurement of a sense of purpose - a sense of power, worth, value, importance, freedom, affluence, abundance, etc).
2 - Feeling the required state in your imagination. Reach for the feeling of love when you are doing the technique. The technique is about feeling. Feelings are the key to getting success. So take your time when doing the techniques, get into the feeling state of feeling love and happiness when you visualise him. There is no room for anxiety when doing them.
3 - Thinking from the end. When you visualise with PW/BWD focus on your end desire. What is it that you want to hear and feel with you guy. Visualise with intensity your end desire. And then live in that end. Your mental energy needs to follow the path you have set in your visualisation. Do not do the sessions for 10 mins and then spend the rest of the day being miserable.
The techniques work but I urge those who are stuck in the place of despair to bring the focus back to your desired end result. What do you want? Think about it and resolve to assume you have that desire and assume that wish fulfilled.
Fabulous, as ever Oasis!! Thank you!
I know I shouldn't worry about time, but I think that's the main problem all of us encounter, along with no contact.
MW posted this chapter of Neville´s teachings...
Prayer, The Art Of BelievingCONTROLLED REVERIEEVERYONE is amenable to the same psychological laws which govern the ordinary hypnotic subject.He is amenable to control by suggestion. In hypnosis, the objective senses are partly or totally suspended. However, no matter how profoundly the objective senses are locked in hypnosis, the subjective faculties are alert, and the subject recognizes everything that goes on around him.The activity and power of the subjective mind are proportionate to the sleep of the objective mind. Suggestions which appear powerless when presented directly to the objective consciousness are highly efficacious when the subject is in a hypnotic state.The hypnotic state is simply being unaware, objectively.In hypnotism, the conscious mind is put to sleep and the subconscious powers are exposed as to be directly reached by suggestion. It is easy to see from this, providing you accept the truth of mental suggestions, that anyone not objectively aware of you is in a profound hypnotic state relative to you.Therefore “Curse not the king, no not in thy thought; and curse not the rich in the bedchamber; for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter” (Ecc. 10:20).What you sincerely believe as true of another you will awaken within him.No one need be entranced, in the ordinary manner, to be helped. If the subject is consciously unaware of the suggestion, and if the suggestion is given with conviction and confidently accepted by the operator as true, then you have the ideal setting for a successful prayer.Represent the subject to yourself mentally as though he had already done that which you desire him to do. Mentally speak to him and congratulate him on having done what you want him to do. Mentally see him in the state you want him to obtain. Within the circle of its action, every word subjectively spoken awakens objectively, what it affirms. Incredulity on the part of the subject is no hindrance when you are in control of your reverie.Bold assertion by you, while you are in a partly subjective state, awakens what you affirm. Self-confidence on your part and the thorough belief in the truth of your mental assertion are all that is needed to produce results. Visualize the subject and imagine that you hear his voice. This establishes contact with his subjective mind.Then imagine that he is telling you what you want to hear. If you want to send him words of health and wealth, then imagine that he is telling you “I have never felt better and I have never had more,” and mentally tell him of your joy in witnessing his good fortune. Imagine that you see and hear his joy.A mental conversation with the subjective image of another must be in a manner which does not express the slightest doubt as to the truth of what you hear and say.If you have the least idea that you do not believe what you have imagined you have heard and seen, the subject will not comply, for your subjective mind will transmit only your fixed ideas. Only fixed ideas can awaken their vibratory correlates in those toward whom they are directed.In the controlled reverie, ideas must be suggested with the utmost care. If you do not control your imagination in the reverie, your imagination will control you.Whatever you suggest with confidence is law to the subjective mind; it is under obligation to objectify that which you mentally affirm.Not only does the subject execute the state affirmed but he does it as though the decision had come of itself, or the idea or the idea had originated by him.Control of the subconscious is dominion over all. Each state obeys one mind’s control. Control of the subconscious is accomplished through control of your beliefs, which in turn is the all-potent factor in the visible states. Imagination and faith are the secrets of creation.
Oasiscalm wrote:
Having read the books PW and BWD, you will all know the basis of the technique comes from the teachings of Neville Goddard. The key basis of Neville's teaching was "assuming the wish fulfilled". The success of these technique are based in your mental attitude. Your success in attracting your guy back starts with you and the thoughts you are projecting.
Imagine if I gave you a new car and told you to drive 100 miles to a destination where your love was waiting for you. You get in the car, put the key in the ignition and the car doesn't start. When you look at the fuel gauge it flashes empty. With no petrol guess what the car is going nowhere.
That's what doing PW and BWD without the correct mindset is like. Think of PW and BWD as the shiny new car you have been lusting over. Now to drive that car around town you need to fill it with fuel and that fuel is your mental power.
Focusing on the current reality, holds you in fear. It clips your wings and prevents you from flying because all your current reality shows you is evidence of the unwanted.
When you look at your current situation with the guy you are trying to attract what do you see and feel?
If you answer doesn't include words like "positive/ expectant/ empowered/ detached/ at peace/ calm/ excited/ peaceful" then you need to shift your mindset.
Going back to the fuel analogue to drive a car you don't have to fill the tank full you can half fill it or quarter. So let's say you can't muster full 100% belief to power your PW/BWD sessions just a little faith and discipline and you can get your car moving. You can get on the road to your journey of getting your guy back.
It is so important you understand that the processes start with you assuming the wish fulfilled. You need to know that you have the power to get what you desire. You can not stand in the same place crying the same song and expect to get a different response. Your world reflects to you that what is internal to you.
As I said these techniques are based on Neville's teachings and I know in the books Lanie's has gracefully summed up his philosophy in an easy to understand way. To truly benefit from these techniques re-read the books, understand the message which is being protrayed "this technique will get you your man, because you hold the power within you. Your mind is the power that will get him back"
Here is a quote that sums up Neville and his teachings
"Neville was convinced of his ability to manifest any condition in life he decided to sample. His confidence was so great that all he had to do was simply assume that he was already in the state or outer environment that he wanted to experience – and sure enough, the chosen state or outer environment would become manifest.
Neville preached of ‘thinking from the end’ – experiencing a scene in your imagination that would imply that your wish had already been fulfilled. He would also talk of ‘feeling’ the required state in imagination – using your imaginal senses to touch, smell, and hear some chosen environment or circumstance."
I have many messages asking what to do to get your guy back. Firstly I would say it is all written in the books. No matter how much you think you situation is worst or different from the other person; the formula and approach is still the same.
1 - Assume the state of what you want. You want your guy back assume that you have him back. Be confident don't sit reguiguating the old story and the hurt of what has past. Say goodbye to that old self and assume your new state. Be confident (confidence is a natural byproduct of a huge inner measurement of a sense of purpose - a sense of power, worth, value, importance, freedom, affluence, abundance, etc).
2 - Feeling the required state in your imagination. Reach for the feeling of love when you are doing the technique. The technique is about feeling. Feelings are the key to getting success. So take your time when doing the techniques, get into the feeling state of feeling love and happiness when you visualise him. There is no room for anxiety when doing them.
3 - Thinking from the end. When you visualise with PW/BWD focus on your end desire. What is it that you want to hear and feel with you guy. Visualise with intensity your end desire. And then live in that end. Your mental energy needs to follow the path you have set in your visualisation. Do not do the sessions for 10 mins and then spend the rest of the day being miserable.
The techniques work but I urge those who are stuck in the place of despair to bring the focus back to your desired end result. What do you want? Think about it and resolve to assume you have that desire and assume that wish fulfilled.
I'm sooo going to copy this and re-read this whenever the negativity comes..thank you so very much, OC!!😘😘
Last edited by Alexia_Michelle (9/12/2016 5:53 pm)
Great post. Thank you. I needed this.
Oasiscalm wrote:
Having read the books PW and BWD, you will all know the basis of the technique comes from the teachings of Neville Goddard. The key basis of Neville's teaching was "assuming the wish fulfilled". The success of these technique are based in your mental attitude. Your success in attracting your guy back starts with you and the thoughts you are projecting.
Imagine if I gave you a new car and told you to drive 100 miles to a destination where your love was waiting for you. You get in the car, put the key in the ignition and the car doesn't start. When you look at the fuel gauge it flashes empty. With no petrol guess what the car is going nowhere.
That's what doing PW and BWD without the correct mindset is like. Think of PW and BWD as the shiny new car you have been lusting over. Now to drive that car around town you need to fill it with fuel and that fuel is your mental power.
Focusing on the current reality, holds you in fear. It clips your wings and prevents you from flying because all your current reality shows you is evidence of the unwanted.
When you look at your current situation with the guy you are trying to attract what do you see and feel?
If you answer doesn't include words like "positive/ expectant/ empowered/ detached/ at peace/ calm/ excited/ peaceful" then you need to shift your mindset.
Going back to the fuel analogue to drive a car you don't have to fill the tank full you can half fill it or quarter. So let's say you can't muster full 100% belief to power your PW/BWD sessions just a little faith and discipline and you can get your car moving. You can get on the road to your journey of getting your guy back.
It is so important you understand that the processes start with you assuming the wish fulfilled. You need to know that you have the power to get what you desire. You can not stand in the same place crying the same song and expect to get a different response. Your world reflects to you that what is internal to you.
As I said these techniques are based on Neville's teachings and I know in the books Lanie's has gracefully summed up his philosophy in an easy to understand way. To truly benefit from these techniques re-read the books, understand the message which is being protrayed "this technique will get you your man, because you hold the power within you. Your mind is the power that will get him back"
Here is a quote that sums up Neville and his teachings
"Neville was convinced of his ability to manifest any condition in life he decided to sample. His confidence was so great that all he had to do was simply assume that he was already in the state or outer environment that he wanted to experience – and sure enough, the chosen state or outer environment would become manifest.
Neville preached of ‘thinking from the end’ – experiencing a scene in your imagination that would imply that your wish had already been fulfilled. He would also talk of ‘feeling’ the required state in imagination – using your imaginal senses to touch, smell, and hear some chosen environment or circumstance."
I have many messages asking what to do to get your guy back. Firstly I would say it is all written in the books. No matter how much you think you situation is worst or different from the other person; the formula and approach is still the same.
1 - Assume the state of what you want. You want your guy back assume that you have him back. Be confident don't sit reguiguating the old story and the hurt of what has past. Say goodbye to that old self and assume your new state. Be confident (confidence is a natural byproduct of a huge inner measurement of a sense of purpose - a sense of power, worth, value, importance, freedom, affluence, abundance, etc).
2 - Feeling the required state in your imagination. Reach for the feeling of love when you are doing the technique. The technique is about feeling. Feelings are the key to getting success. So take your time when doing the techniques, get into the feeling state of feeling love and happiness when you visualise him. There is no room for anxiety when doing them.
3 - Thinking from the end. When you visualise with PW/BWD focus on your end desire. What is it that you want to hear and feel with you guy. Visualise with intensity your end desire. And then live in that end. Your mental energy needs to follow the path you have set in your visualisation. Do not do the sessions for 10 mins and then spend the rest of the day being miserable.
The techniques work but I urge those who are stuck in the place of despair to bring the focus back to your desired end result. What do you want? Think about it and resolve to assume you have that desire and assume that wish fulfilled.
Great Post, thank you! 😘