I have him blocked from my phone for calls and texts; because a month ago he was mean when he was drunk. We can still communicate via email. I have been keeping minimal contact (we have a child together) and doing the various mediation (PW; CC; and BWD) when motivated; as well as Ho'oponopono a couple of times. I still have some anger towards him; so I try not to use that energy in the wrong way.
Today I needed to talk to him about a big bill that we are both on - it's due tomorrow. I sent him a message about it and gave him a time limit to reply; because if he can't make the phone call about it that I was asking him to, I need him to let me know so I can attempt to make other arrangements. This is very important and it affects the welfare of our child. So I did the Cord Cutting and then BWD before I sent the message.
He sent me a nasty; mean email back about it. It IS possible that he thought I was asking him for the money; and I replied that I was NOT asking him for the money; but for him to make a phone call so that payment arrangements could be made. I was firm in my reply, and took him to task, but did not attack him personally. Still; he was very cold and mean. Not a month ago he was saying he was still "madly in love with me".
Not sure what I didn't do right here. Advice welcomed.
You can't let every little bump in the road disrupt your life. Shake it off and continue! :-)
Lanie Stevens wrote:
You can't let every little bump in the road disrupt your life. Shake it off and continue! :-)
Lanie, so even if they are mean or seem to be cold and distant, to ignore it and continue doing PW/BWD? Ignore current reality?