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10/05/2016 11:40 pm  #1

My journey getting my love back

Hello Sisters,

I am sorry this is a very long post! but my journey started 6 months ago and there is a lot to fill you in on..

I came across this forum 6 months ago when I was at my lowest point. My love of 4 years had left me very suddenly and I was devastated. I went looking for answers as to how I could heal myself and I came across Lanie's book pussywhip. It was an absolute godsend! The most important message I took from it was how important it is for me to work on myself, to love myself and to be content with my own company. I relied on my partner to make me happy and I know now how harmful that can be to a relationship. I contacted Lanie via e-mail and explained my situation in detail, at this stage it had been three weeks since he had left but he came to see me for my birthday and told me how much he had missed me and he was sorry for the pain he caused. He said he just needed time to sort his head out, he suffered anxiety and depression in the past and he felt himself slipping back to that and just needed a break. Luckily the following week I had a trip booked to another country for 6 weeks, during the week before I left he saw me three more times and we ended up sleeping together. Lanie advised against this and said I should not allow a friends with benefits relationship but it was very hard for me to detach myself.
I left for my trip in April and it was the most incredible experience, I still practiced Lanie's technique almost daily before I went to bed and still believed we would be together again but mainly I just focused on myself and it was a life changing trip, I got my confidence back and it was very empowering. I did not speak to him the whole time I was gone and then a week before I was coming home he contacted me on Facebook to ask how my trip had been etc. and that we should catch up when I got back, I agreed and we met for dinner at my place. It was a little awkward at first, we didn't know how to act around each other.. there has always been a sexual chemistry between us and we aren't good at keeping our distance from each other! we ended up sleeping together (idiot I know!) but he was still not ready to commit to me, he was going on an overseas holiday for 6 weeks like I did and he was leaving in two months so he didn't want to rush anything and just wanted to catch up as friends initially. We caught up once a week on for the next two months and it was hard at first because he was unable to give me the relationship I wanted but the last 4 weeks of us seeing each other were the best they had ever been! we were so happy together, we both looked forward to out 'date night' he told me it was the best part of his week and it just made me so happy that we were finally on the right track and had a real chance at the relationship we both wanted. The day before his flight I went to a shopping centre with him because he needed a few things for his trip and he is hopeless at shopping! It was really fun, we were getting along and acting like a real couple, it felt very easy and comfortable I was on cloud 9! we went out for dinner that night and talked about a fresh start when he got back from his trip and he sounded really excited about it. He said he hoped this trip would help clear his mind and help him to become the boyfriend I deserved. The first 3 weeks of his trip were really positive, he was messaging me almost everyday telling me how much he missed me and couldn't wait to come home. The last 3 weeks I noticed a bit of a change in him but nothing that was too alarming, he was just starting to really enjoy himself and relax into the trip, he wasn't contacting me as much but when he did it was still positive. A few days before he was due to fly home his passport was stolen! which meant he was going to miss his flight home while he got a new one, I was devastated! it was going to be another week until he came home! This put a great deal of stress on him as his job is very demanding and they were not happy he was going to be away another week. He became a little more distant and I was worried but just put it down to the stress he was under. He then missed his flight home due to bad traffic and had to get another one the next day! he is the unluckiest person I know!! I thought I would do something nice for him to cheer him up and I booked a hotel for his first night home as a surprise. He was in contact as he was making his way home and was keeping me updated. We agreed I would pick him up from his house a little bit later on and I was going to take him back to the hotel. I was so excited!! I went to the room early and set out candles, I had my laptop with all his favourite shows for him to catch up on, I made dinner to heat up for later, I even got his favourite chocolate for him, I had thought of everything and I thought it was going to be the most perfect night.. I was wrong.
I picked him up, he got in the car then just said hey, no hug, no kiss, nothing.. like WTF hey? you haven't seen me for 6 weeks, you've told me you miss me and want to start again and all you can say is hey.. I knew something was wrong immediately! the hotel was only a 5 min drive away but it felt like eternity, I felt sick and I just knew he was going to tell me something bad. I pulled into the hotel car park and he felt so guilty I had done something so nice for him. We sat in the car and talked about what was going on. He said he just felt so low the last few days before he left and on the plane he just felt sick to his stomach about coming home, he said he just wanted to stay travelling, he didn't want to come back to his job or to his home he just wanted to be by himself. He said he truly did mean everything he said and wanted a fresh start but right now he just feels like he can't give me what I want, he doesn't think he loves me enough and he just feels so messed up, he said he is going to seek professional help to sort through what is going on with him. It is clear he is seriously depressed and I'm just devastated! I was totally not prepared for this and I am lost with what to do. We spent the night in the hotel and we were both crying most of the night, I have never seen him cry in 4 years so I knew something was wrong, he said he feels sick to his stomach for hurting me and he can't bare to see me upset and that it is killing him. I dropped him home early the next morning and I just cried all the way home. I was heart broken and so deeply sad for him as well. He contacted me later that night apologizing for everything and he said he made some calls to see a professional and hopefully he can work through his issues. I wished him all the best and that I would be there for him if he needed. This was last week and we did not contact each other again until I reached out today, we have tickets to see our favourite band tomorrow night we bought them 3 months ago and I was seeing if he still wanted to go. He said he did, but he is worried it will just upset me as he can't give me what I want and he would only be able to go as my friend. I said I understand that it would be just as friends but I still wanted to go with him.. now I am not so sure this is a good idea.. I am so confused. I don't know if the technique will get through to him while he is suffering such bad depression.. I am just looking for advice and support through this

Last edited by Blissful (10/05/2016 11:46 pm)

10/06/2016 12:45 pm  #2

Re: My journey getting my love back

Honey, I'm so sorry you're going through this. I felt sad on your behalf reading your post. I'm not really sure how to advise you, other than continuing to focus on yourself, because you should matter to yourself more than anyone else matters to you. I don't always follow that advice myself but I try to remember it.

If I were you I'd continue to do the PW, because it will help you feel more connected to him. And read Lanie's books again, they're so encouraging and positive. This will all help you in the long run.

Sending you a hug.

10/06/2016 2:18 pm  #3

Re: My journey getting my love back

From what you're writing, I feel very sorry for both of you. And to me it feels like he's telling you the truth, he is suffering from a severe depression. He feels that something is wrong with him and that right now ge really can't give you what you want and need.
So I was thinking, in LOA you should always focus on the end result, not the way to get there. So what would that be for you? Clearly you want you're man back, being in a wonderful, loving relationship with you. But you would also want him to be happy, to be healed right?!? So visualize that. See the both of you in this great relationship both whole and healed and incredibly happy. When you do PW on him send him your love, send him positive energy and hear him say, that he feels so much better etc...
I was saw a psychiatrist years ago in my early adult age when I had a depression. I assure you, whatever he's going through, has nothing to do with you, you did nothing wrong!!! But it must be torturing him, that he feels he is not the man you deserve in is state right now. So give him time to heal! If it's fine with you be his friend (without benefits!) bit if this hurts to much keep your distance. Let him know you care but let him know that you want him in a committed relationship and nothing less. Let him know what you feel for him (I'd say he already knows) and that you give him the time he needs. And know and feel that everything is alright! You have nothing to worry about! He'll come around and when he does you to will be closer than before because you got through this!

10/06/2016 2:20 pm  #4

Re: My journey getting my love back

Sorry for the spelling mistakes... I was typing with my phone...😫

10/06/2016 4:05 pm  #5

Re: My journey getting my love back

Thank you jellyb for the support, Lanie's books do help and I believe whole heartedly the technique works, just need to keep sending love to him and myself.

kschmeck your post was exactly what I needed, thank you for reaching out to me and sharing your own personal insight into depression. It is very difficult for me to understand what is going on with him and all I want to do is help and support him but he has pushed me away again. It was such a shock to see him this way and I had no idea, the whole time he was away he was reassuring me his feelings had not changed and he wanted a fresh start with me. I still believe we can get there I just need to give him time to heal and get professional help. He has agreed to meet me at the concert tonight but he said in his message that he just wants to go as friends and not talk about anything to do with us, he just wants to enjoy the band with me. I think it is positive he still wants to see me and I need to remain strong and try not to talk about anything too serious with him as he won't have the answers right now. I don't know if I should continue to see him just as friends, I don't want it to affect being together in the future because I do want a committed loving relationship with him and I don't want to damage that by being friends? or is that the best path to take at this point?  

     Thread Starter

10/06/2016 8:37 pm  #6

Re: My journey getting my love back

Blissful I am so sorry to read what happened but I am sure you can control the outcome.  First of all, don't talk about your relationship or put pressure on him because it will cause him to shrink back into his protective shell.  Go have fun, keep it light and upbeat because he knows you love him and you don't have to reinforce it.  I know it's hard for you because it isn't what you expected but keep using the technique and send him love, forgiveness and support.  You can get through this if you allow yourself to KNOW that it will work out!  xoxoxoxoxoxo

10/06/2016 9:04 pm  #7

Re: My journey getting my love back

Lanie Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post and give advice, it truly means so much and I am very grateful. I am so happy I decided to finally post my story after lurking on the forum for 6 months! I guess I was afraid of messing up the process by putting attention on the fact I was still not with my love. I hope to be able to contribute to this forum and help others like myself as I have learnt a lot from the women on here, you are all amazing and so supportive of each other and I would love so much to join the family I will continue to send love to my guy and give him the time he needs to heal himself. I trust it will work out, we were so close to having a fresh start together, I sometimes worry his depression and negative thoughts will block mine getting through to him? but I have to truly believe that he is getting them and I hope by sending him love I can help him to feel better. I will be strong tonight and won't let my emotions get the better of me because I know it will just set him back and I want to have a positive night so fingers crossed!

     Thread Starter

10/07/2016 1:50 am  #8

Re: My journey getting my love back

Blissful wrote:

Thank you jellyb for the support, Lanie's books do help and I believe whole heartedly the technique works, just need to keep sending love to him and myself.

kschmeck your post was exactly what I needed, thank you for reaching out to me and sharing your own personal insight into depression. It is very difficult for me to understand what is going on with him and all I want to do is help and support him but he has pushed me away again. It was such a shock to see him this way and I had no idea, the whole time he was away he was reassuring me his feelings had not changed and he wanted a fresh start with me. I still believe we can get there I just need to give him time to heal and get professional help. He has agreed to meet me at the concert tonight but he said in his message that he just wants to go as friends and not talk about anything to do with us, he just wants to enjoy the band with me. I think it is positive he still wants to see me and I need to remain strong and try not to talk about anything too serious with him as he won't have the answers right now. I don't know if I should continue to see him just as friends, I don't want it to affect being together in the future because I do want a committed loving relationship with him and I don't want to damage that by being friends? or is that the best path to take at this point?  

You're welcome, Sweetheart! Enjoy your evening together and let us know how it was going. If you want to continue being friends with him or not, is totally up to you! You do what feels best for you! He knows how you feel for him! 😘

10/08/2016 2:19 am  #9

Re: My journey getting my love back

I'm feeling really low today.. My guy and I went to the concert last night and we were having such a great time, we really enjoyed ourselves and we were both happy in each other's company. Then I think we both drank too much, he was walking me home and he was apologizing for hurting me and said he just needs time to deal with all of his issues and he doesn't want to lead me on when all he can offer me is friendship. He said it hurts him that I would just wait around for him and be in limbo because he can't give me what I want. He said he appreciates my support and he is lucky to have me around but he thinks I should just move on and find someone who can treat me the way I deserve. It hurts to have him constantly tell me this and push me away.. Makes it hard for me to stay positive and focus on the techniques when he keeps telling me to move on. I'm just feeling a bit lost at the moment

     Thread Starter

10/08/2016 3:47 am  #10

Re: My journey getting my love back

Hi Blissful, im sorry about your predicament. I think its good that he is honest with you, and not trying to play games or lead you on.
If i was in your shoes, i would not want to remain as just friends i would prefer to put space between us.

All advice given is intended in the best interest of whomever I may be replying to & my opinions may not necessarily reflect those of the wider community on the forum.


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