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Came across this article and wanted to share it with all of you beauties
Get ready to clear one of the most common pitfalls of deliberate creation …
I’m talking about how frustrated we get when we change our vibe but don’t get immediate results. That makes a lot of aspiring manifestors throw in the towel when they don’t see change happening.
This insight from Bashar is one of the most powerful I’ve heard on this subject. Stay with me here …
You know how on facebook when you start a status update, but then try to click off the page before you finish you get a message that asks if you really want to leave the page? And you have to confirm yes or no before you can proceed?
Conscious creation is kind of like that, it turns out.
We have to repeat our new instruction in order to create change in physical reality. One time doesn’t cut it.
Here’s how Bashar explains it:
The physical mind will assume that if it doesn’t see an exact one-to-one reflection in the circumstances that surround you with what it is you believe you’re giving off, you will think that something has failed.
This is where you get caught in your own paradoxical trap. Even though it is true that ‘what you put out is what you get back’ and that choosing a certain state of being determines the circumstances that surround you; the first stage or first reflection of that manifestation will usually look the same as it used to.
This gives you the opportunity to reinforce the new state of being by responding to the circumstances that look the same differently than you did before. And that is where you demonstrate that you truly have changed by responding to the circumstances differently even if they look the same as they used to.
That’s how it works.
The first reflection will usually be an echo of how it used to look. You must not respond to the echo as if that’s the representation of your new state. You must respond to it as if you know it’s just an echo, and what you are putting out NOW – the NEW RESPONSE to the old circumstances – that will solidify the vibration of your preferred state of being and truly allow the circumstances to change themselves and take their cue from the new vibrations you’re putting out.
So don’t be fooled by the echo into thinking you’ve done something wrong or something’s not working. That’s the self-reinforcing mechanism that gives you a chance to decide whether you really want to change that circumstance or not.
Circumstances don’t matter; only state of being matters.
For me this is a much more satisfying explanation than the old “buffer of time” reply we usually get when asking why we don’t always see immediate manifestation after we adjust our vibe.
Think about it … how silly would it be if on facebook when I tried to click away with an unfinished status update, and saw the “are you sure you want to leave?” message, I just threw my hands up in the air in frustration and declared facebook won’t work for me. “It’s not listening!” or “I’m doing something wrong!” Ridiculous, right?
The system clearly is working – all I have to do is understand how it’s set up. All I gotta do is click this box that says “yes, I really meant that.”
Same with manifesting. Rather than get frustrated that Universe isn’t responding to my new instruction, I just realize Universe needs to hear it from me consistently before it does its thing.
[color=#000080]“Yes, I really meant financial abundance.” (I don’t let an ’empty-bank-account’ echo sway me from my new vibrational instruction.)[/color]
[color=#000000]Or maybe if I was ordering up “raining men” I could actually think twice about whether I really want to juggle several at once. (That one’s worth being sure about, before you order that reality up!) Or I could make an important edit to my instruction: “raining fabulous men.”[/color]
This echo thing could really work in our favor to help us get our instruction right!
I know it’s easy to get frustrated when it seems our new vibration isn’t being matched – but just remember how it really works. You’ve got to be consistent in your new vibration regardless of what reality appears to be. Don’t be fooled by the echo.
You’re not doing something wrong; you’re not being ignored; you just need to be consistent in the new vibration you’re choosing.
Last edited by eleven (10/21/2016 5:40 pm)
I love that you've put all this it was what I was telling you about but you've found it in much more detail 😀.
I like to think I'm in the echo when I see similar cars or something very close to my man and I always say thankyou universe but that's not the one I want.its like giving you a chance/choice
MissFlip wrote:
I love that you've put all this it was what I was telling you about but you've found it in much more detail 😀.
I like to think I'm in the echo when I see similar cars or something very close to my man and I always say thankyou universe but that's not the one I want.its like giving you a chance/choice
Yes! I wanted to look more into it after you told me about it. It makes a lot of sense and it feels better to know that current circumstances are only an echo of the past and that it is up to you to step out of the vicious cycle and pass the test! Stay positive and know that if you react differently to the situation, it will allow for only positive situations to happen instead of the positive/negative cycle that is usually created.
This is a wonderful explanation, and the timing is perfect.
I was feeling a little down today, and wondering why I haven't seen the instant results I wanted to see. But it passed quickly when I realized this reality is just imprint of what I used to think and feel. Like you said - it's an echo; and now that I'm faster at recognizing the echo (ha ha!!) I usually respond (usually out loud) 'Yes, Beloved Universe, I AM SURE of what I want'...and I choose a different feeling to feel.
KateyBerry wrote:
This is a wonderful explanation, and the timing is perfect.
I was feeling a little down today, and wondering why I haven't seen the instant results I wanted to see. But it passed quickly when I realized this reality is just imprint of what I used to think and feel. Like you said - it's an echo; and now that I'm faster at recognizing the echo (ha ha!!) I usually respond (usually out loud) 'Yes, Beloved Universe, I AM SURE of what I want'...and I choose a different feeling to feel.
You go girl!! Just remind yourself that what you are seeing is only from past thoughts and that if you keep up with the positive, then you will see your manifestations appear
Great post eleven!
Thank u for posting this !! And i too was low as I am seeing my guy show old pattern just at the snap of a finger ! A change that happened almost overnight and hence I was super low and yes now that I read ur post I figured that I haven't been insistent and consistently stating what I want !! And seeing the present reality brought tears to my eyes this morning and I decided to let go and not pursue this and for a mental let out came to the beloved forum to be welcomed by this wonderful post !! Thank u so much for posting I am just gonna be clear in stating what I want and stay stubborn about getting what I want !! 😝
Amazing post, thank you
Thank you for the post !! I was wondering about time delay, that's great
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