Hi girls!
I am having a hart time at the moment. I'm struggling with feelings of jealousy. Every time I see or hear about my target laughing And joking or touching another girl at work I am becoming so angry. I think he might like one of them better at me, or that he's not interested in me after all. We were never dating so I don't no for sure that he likes's so frustrating! Do you have zny advice on that?
My next problem is that I don't feel anything using PW or visualization. No love or anything... it's not that I don't love my target but that I don't really believe. I believe in LOA I've seen it work but mostly on the Little things. But when it comes to manifesting concerning others, like love interests, I just feel so helpless. What if he is not into me, what if doing everything right, using every technique perfectly and he still doesn't want me? Since I am someone who needs proof, i have been reading a lot about the science behind the Secret. About parallel realities (like bashar teaches) about everything happening at once, and that there are endless futures all happening now and that we can "choose" the version we like best using our vibration. So I try to convince myself that there must be a version of the future where my target and me are happy together... but still it's hart to REALLY believe it and not being focused on the reality where I am now, not with him and not even knowing if he really has feelings for me...
Maybe anyone of you has experienced anything like that before. What did you do to get to a place of total faith and belief?
Thank you all in advance! I really appreciate this forum and all the support we get from each other!
OMG..I can so relate to how you are feeling. My guy hired a new girl to work on his team and the jealousy i felt. I envy her for seeing him everyday and for getting to go out with him for lunch. Today, i even met her as i met my guy for lunch and he came with his friends and her and you know what...he didn't pay her any attention (he was with me).
What I have done that really helps me is when I start thinking about her or anything in my current reality that i don't like I do the mantra meditation with PW. It has helped me so much with my jealousy. Also scripting our life together helps me. Try that maybe.
You must not give other woman around your guy too much thought as the fears will manifest. It is a lot of work and i won't tell you it is easy but if i can do it (and my friends will testify that i am the most jealous person they know which isn't good) so can you.
Good luck.
Hi kschmeck i think collie is referring to the kundalini mantra most of us have been trying out
I agree with collie, about scripting your reality. Challenge yourself for at least a week first and see how it makes you feel. good luck!
kschmeck wrote:
Thanks so much! Does kundalini mantra work?
Yep that is what i am referring to. I think that i have had good experiences with that mantra but it also makes you feel good.
When I believed and didn't have doubts and was really into it then it worked. I did PW while listening to it. The last time i really felt and visualised that my guy and our mutual friend will ask me to go out with them for my birthday.
My friend wanted to go out that same night..i told her but what if they call to ask me out. And they did and they paid for me. I just felt it would happen when i did the meditation.