Jag123 wrote:
Absolutely no judgement and I have been guilty of this, so just pointing out the below....
collie wrote:
Tso i called him an idiot twice. So as punishment he blocked me for a week. That is so typical him...yes..childish too but that is him
You are telling a story here about him and his "typical" behaviour.. If you get what you expect (and law of attraction makes it so), you can continue to expect this "typical" behaviour. Time to script a new story...
collie wrote:
So, i find it amusing. I think after he unblocks me maybe i will block him!! ;)
You didn't find it amusing yesterday, in fact you felt pretty crappy. By emulating his behaviour i.e. blocking him back you are keeping this momentum up. You won't be able to leave any space for any change. Maybe take a step back and get clear whether this is the kind of relationship you want? If not, time to script a new story...
Perhaps take a break from him and it, and use the time to get clear. As your new job can't walk, talk or have an opinion, maybe use this time instead to focus on your new job and what that will feel like. When you detach from him altogether, you may be surprised at what happens....
Jag123 - no didn't find it amusing at all(i was feeling very very crappy) and honestly, i would never really block him.
I do need to stop thinking about him blocking me all the time...i always wonder when he will block me coz he blocked me for a year after telling me he had to coz of his wife. So, i should stop thinking about it. You are right.
I actually attracted his behaviour by thinking about it esp. after doing that powerful meditation where they warn you to think only positive thoughts. ( ).
Anyway, I should tell a different story . And my focus should be on the specific bank that i want as i know that will make me very happy and feel good about myself. I need to change my attitude about my current job so i can attract that bank. Need to write down the positive things and focus on that.
Don't get me wrong, I know how hard it is to get caught up in the story of what is because it's so compelling and happening right now. It's especially hard when you feel you are second guessing what another person is thinking or feeling. That is when the storytelling becomes even more dramatic because we only have their past (almost often crappy) behavior to go on.
I'm in the same situation as you as my opening post described I have been blocked on everything. I'm having to keep the faith that this is a good thing and when the situation changes it will be for the better.
I spent the weekend really looking at myself and how I've contributed to the situation with the stories I tell myself about him, me and it. All three combined amount to the blocking lol! I know I was taking action from an unbalanced place and the result is where we are now. Now that I'm clear, I'm really focussing on myself and am trying (it's hard) to take my attention off "when he will unblock me, will he unblock me and what is he thinking right now". Instead the story I am telling (when I don't get caught up in what is) is "this is a wonderful time to have some space and let the momentum die down. I've got so many things that I can focus on like a great holiday coming up, wonderful friends even that Winter has come and it will be time to get cosy" I'm trying to fill up my time and headspace with the positive that is happening, things that I DO have control over. So, when he does come to mind, it's more of a fleeting fashion and I can send him love and let it go. I've even stopped PW for a while, just while I get my own head straight.
With regard to focussing on specifics, make sure you look at what your underlying beliefs are about working at that specific bank. If there is a part of you that doesn't believe it's possible, it won't be and you'll be upset if it doesn't come about.
Don't be too hard on yourself in trying to move from one end of the scale directly to the other. It takes time and you will lose your focus from time to time. Just remember to get back on the horse when you fall off!
Last edited by Jag123 (11/01/2016 7:30 am)
Jag123 wrote:
Don't get me wrong, I know how hard it is to get caught up in the story of what is because it's so compelling and happening right now. It's especially hard when you feel you are second guessing what another person is thinking or feeling. That is when the storytelling becomes even more dramatic because we only have their past (almost often crappy) behavior to go on.
I'm in the same situation as you as my opening post described I have been blocked on everything. I'm having to keep the faith that this is a good thing and when the situation changes it will be for the better.
I spent the weekend really looking at myself and how I've contributed to the situation with the stories I tell myself about him, me and it. All three combined amount to the blocking lol! I know I was taking action from an unbalanced place and the result is where we are now. Now that I'm clear, I'm really focussing on myself and am trying (it's hard) to take my attention off "when he will unblock me, will he unblock me and what is he thinking right now". Instead the story I am telling (when I don't get caught up in what is) is "this is a wonderful time to have some space and let the momentum die down. I've got so many things that I can focus on like a great holiday coming up, wonderful friends even that Winter has come and it will be time to get cosy" I'm trying to fill up my time and headspace with the positive that is happening, things that I DO have control over. So, when he does come to mind, it's more of a fleeting fashion and I can send him love and let it go. I've even stopped PW for a while, just while I get my own head straight.
With regard to focussing on specifics, make sure you look at what your underlying beliefs are about working at that specific bank. If there is a part of you that doesn't believe it's possible, it won't be and you'll be upset if it doesn't come about.
Don't be too hard on yourself in trying to move from one end of the scale directly to the other. It takes time and you will lose your focus from time to time. Just remember to get back on the horse when you fall off!
I wrote here coz you guys understand that we create our reality and I didn't want to sink into that crappy feeling for too long as not to manifest more crappy stuff
You sound like a very positive person and it is excellent that you concentrate on the positive things you have in your life. I should also concentrate on the more positive things in my life and do more fun stuff.
I am sure you will have a great holiday.
I need to write down my core beliefs about why I think I won't work at the bank or get the guy and change them.
Maybe i should open a new topic for this question but i wrote about the blocking situation here.
So, my guy blocked me as punishment for a week coz i called him an idiot after he teased me. As you all know I felt really crappy and upset and even shed some tears as at first I didn't know why he blocked me. Now, I know the reason and knowing him he finds it amusing as so does our mutual friend. But, i was thinking..this made me really upset as i didn't know why and i don't deserve to be upset. Ok..i did manifest his behaviour but still..
When he unblocks me and contacts me should i let it go or tell him how i feel..that i didn't find it funny or should I not say anything and script and concentrate on the way i want him to treat me? I am going to script nearly everyday as I think it is really good (thanks Pixelpie ).
Do we tell them that they upset us or do we keep it bottled inside?
pixelpie wrote:
collie wrote:
You dont need to say anything. In wanting to you are showing that yoi dont fully believe in the techniques you are doing. Because if you did you would not ask this question because you would know that things are solved.
This piece of advice in itself is golden. It's the key and often overlooked or forgotten.
Hi Pixelpie, I've been doing okay, thank you for asking me.
To be honest, this forum has been a great way for me to focus my own alignment. Helping (or trying to) others in the same situation has been fantastic for objectifying my own situation. We learn so much from each other and it's so much easier to apply these amazing tips to your own life.
I'm still blocked (lol) but typing the words or even saying them is no longer a blow to the solar plexus! To me that's progress. I haven't felt the need to analyse why or discuss why with anyone at any length. I'm really focussing on myself and am considering this time apart a blessing. We have split up and got back together before. In the time apart before I was broken, and felt completely out of control. I spent most of it crying and looking at pictures of him lol! It was through a crack of least resistance that I manifested him back. However, because I didn't do the work on myself, or my perception of him, I went like a crazy woman. I lost my focus and in turn lost him.
So, I have absolute faith we will be back together, but this time I will be the best version of me evoking the best version of him. Makes me smile just thinking about it!
Thank you Pixelpie! It may not be achievement to most people but an improvement in the way I was feeling is everything to me.
How are you doing? I'm glad to hear you are getting the same benefits of being active on here as me. Do you feel like you're winning? xx
I have been blocked for 3 weeks now and it happened right after he added another girl to his profile. It has stayed that way.
ping wrote:
I have had my guy block me out of no where too (few times) and it's not that things aren't working. It's when he really can't handle it. Think of it as he's struggling with all these emotions That he just can't tell you so he thinks he has to block you but trust me it won't stay that way 😜
There's another post on here about it I'm pretty sure but yeah don't worry! Glad you're doing well and it's working definitely.
I had been blocked for a month or two most of the time when he did, and yes, he dated someone else but still unblocked me all those times and reached out when I didn't care or try to talk. Now we talk more and more and I don't believe he'll block me again. Don't count down on how long it's been. Just act as if you're not blocked. Like pixlepie says, fake it till you make it.