Today me and my long-time-no-see friend reunited and I tokd her everything about my Target. She was like you must text him, I was like Nooo no way! because I'm on that NC rule. Anyways, when I didn't see, she took my phone and texted him: "Hi " he didn't reply... I saw that message and I'm now feeling completely shattered, heartbroken, I was doing PW for 2months and what if my friend just ruined all that progress by texting him? I feel like I hate her so much right now, like she ruined something I was so passionate about, uh guys what do I do? I just want to die right now... please any advice would be much appreciated.. now I'm feeling like I should give up on me and him...
I'm sure someone will be able to help better than me but I'll have a go.
First off in my opinion that's a shitty thing to do from your so called friend (I had someone do the same but not on my target).
BUT I know you feel like the it's the worst thing at the moment BUT it was only a text and whatever the outcome it will have made him think about you.theres a million reasons why he hasn't replied so don't stress it too much.
Don't give up,remember we can rewrite our future every second so me personally would say "yep that's that done,right nothing I can do about it so let's forget it and start forward again"
Also I'm a great believer in everything happens for a reason,so this might have happened because it had to and he's sat looking at that text thinking oh my God she said hi,what should I say back??
Hope this helps till someone else replies
sag97 wrote:
Today me and my long-time-no-see friend reunited and I tokd her everything about my Target. She was like you must text him, I was like Nooo no way! because I'm on that NC rule. Anyways, when I didn't see, she took my phone and texted him: "Hi" he didn't reply... I saw that message and I'm now feeling completely shattered, heartbroken, I was doing PW for 2months and what if my friend just ruined all that progress by texting him? I feel like I hate her so much right now, like she ruined something I was so passionate about, uh guys what do I do? I just want to die right now... please any advice would be much appreciated.. now I'm feeling like I should give up on me and him...
I agree with missflip! You never know if this is the start of something good!☺️
sag97 wrote:
Today me and my long-time-no-see friend reunited and I tokd her everything about my Target. She was like you must text him, I was like Nooo no way! because I'm on that NC rule. Anyways, when I didn't see, she took my phone and texted him: "Hi" he didn't reply... I saw that message and I'm now feeling completely shattered, heartbroken, I was doing PW for 2months and what if my friend just ruined all that progress by texting him? I feel like I hate her so much right now, like she ruined something I was so passionate about, uh guys what do I do? I just want to die right now... please any advice would be much appreciated.. now I'm feeling like I should give up on me and him...
Oh and you're friend seems like she did it vindictively she obviously was trying to help you get things going! Unfortunately she didn't make the best decision in that moment but like I said you never know what will come from it! Also today I was thinking about my friend I haven't spoken to in months not even five minutes later she called! Maybe he was thinking about you in that moment!! I would give your friend a break my dear!!☺️
Hi sag97,
Going forward you need to be careful who you open up to about what you are doing or where your focus is - you actually gave your power away indirectly by confiding in her.
That was a really crappy thing for her to do, and if i were you i would examine her motives. You dont help friends by sneaking behind their backs and pretending to be them... and this happened after you explained how you were in NC with him.
Having said that, fretting about it wont help the situation now, try to see it from the perspective of things that happen for a reason and move forward from there. Keep doing the techniques on him.
emmiline wrote:
Hi sag97,
Going forward you need to be careful who you open up to about what you are doing or where your focus is - you actually gave your power away indirectly by confiding in her.
That was a really crappy thing for her to do, and if i were you i would examine her motives. You dont help friends by sneaking behind their backs and pretending to be them... and this happened after you explained how you were in NC with him. .
This could be a slight overdramatising of the friend.
She sent a message from her phone to get him to reply in the grand scheme of things, whilst slightly immature I would not say she was being malicious at all.
From an LOA point of view one could even extrapolate and say that the OP's subconscious created that situation to initiate contact with him
sag97 wrote:
Today me and my long-time-no-see friend reunited and I tokd her everything about my Target. She was like you must text him, I was like Nooo no way! because I'm on that NC rule. Anyways, when I didn't see, she took my phone and texted him: "Hi" he didn't reply... I saw that message and I'm now feeling completely shattered, heartbroken, I was doing PW for 2months and what if my friend just ruined all that progress by texting him? I feel like I hate her so much right now, like she ruined something I was so passionate about, uh guys what do I do? I just want to die right now... please any advice would be much appreciated.. now I'm feeling like I should give up on me and him...
Work on your belief in the process. If you were walking in faith that your processes are working you would see what happened as a non event.
Just Laugh it off and accept that now is not the moment. If anything she has shown to you that you are not truly believing. So be grateful to her, don't react to her with hate as it will only be reflected back to you.
Realistically how could she have ruined anything? What could a message saying "hi" really do. I'm not downplaying how annoying what she did would have been but it does not warrant such a negative response to her or the likelihood of you getting the guy.
On the flip side had he replied would u be writing a post about how you feel hateful to her right now. I doubt it very much. So actually your real issue is that he hasn't responded and you feel like it not working. So work on that. Continue to do your PW/ but back it up with an unwavering belief that it's working. That everything will unfold as it needs to and that nothing can ruin your progress.
Actually the only thing that can ruin your progress is you not having faith.
Guys I don't even think you imagine how much you always help me. I'm so grateful to the Universe that I have people like you around me to ask advice from. I love you so much.
Today I was completely heartbroken, then did some love meditation on my target and did the "Heartbreak yoga flow" and "Let it go yoga flow" from Yoga With Adriene. I cried so much during it. But I felt way better. Then went out with that friend of mine and guess what? I get a reply from him! I mean, it only said "Hi" without any smiley faces but still. It took him almost a day to reply but he did. Now I've asked him how's life been going, he's not texting me the way he used to, just simple answers, but I really hope that this conversation won't end very soon. Hopefully.
I love you guys so much. ❤️
sag97 wrote:
Guys I don't even think you imagine how much you always help me. I'm so grateful to the Universe that I have people like you around me to ask advice from. I love you so much.
Today I was completely heartbroken, then did some love meditation on my target and did the "Heartbreak yoga flow" and "Let it go yoga flow" from Yoga With Adriene. I cried so much during it. But I felt way better. Then went out with that friend of mine and guess what? I get a reply from him! I mean, it only said "Hi" without any smiley faces but still. It took him almost a day to reply but he did. Now I've asked him how's life been going, he's not texting me the way he used to, just simple answers, but I really hope that this conversation won't end very soon. Hopefully.
I love you guys so much. ❤️
Make sure you send your friend even more love and gratitude
Well I'm pretty sure there's another girl.
He recently commented on a post that said: "a person who gets angry easily, subconsciously wants to be deeply loved" and he tagged a girl on it and commented: "Told you so!"
Guys what do I do now?
How do I ignore the reality that she is there 😩
Also, he takes more than one hour to reply to me so I don't think this is going somewhere😩😩
Uhh I'm sorry for the negativity, it's just that it hit me so suddenly, I'm all shaking right now😩😩❤️