Has anyone had success with this? Do you have any advice or tips you'd recommend?
My intention is to remote-influence my boss. I've been having a lot of my shifts cancelled at work recently and I'm not sure why, but it's making me anxious and so I'm applying for a new job. This new job just asked me for references, and it's very important that my current boss gives me a good - no, a GREAT! -reference so I can get this new job. Also in the meantime, I want my boss to stop cancelling my shifts so I can make money.
I'm kind of stuck on what to imagine him saying. I know to put strong positive emotion into it, and I know what I want (I want my boss to think I'm an excellent worker and to give me a glowingly positive recommendation whenever someone asks for a reference), but I'm having trouble phrasing it.
Maybe you could try scripting what you want your reference to say?
I've given references before and these are some kind of things I said.
(name) is a very valued member of our team.her friendly polite nature makes the people she comes into contact with feel at ease and valued.
(name) always goes the extra mile when asked to do something and nothing is too much of a problem,but where she has a concern she is not afraid to ask for help or assistance.
She is willing to pick up extra shifts when required and has brilliant time keeping skills.
Her attitude to hard work and determination have shown through the qualifications she has gained and is continuing to work towards.
(name) has continued to grow through her time with us and it has been a pleasure having her as part of our company and we wish her all the best for her future career.
Hope that helps,I wrote something similar and helped get my best friend into her university placement
I've had great luck manifesting a promotion and parise from my bosses. It was a little over a month ago that I had major problems with a very unfriendly coworker. This lady kept making unfounded accusations about me to my supervisor and boss, and all of this not only impacted my job bc I depended on this coworker for training, but bc the negative comments she made, and the lies, greatly imapcted my credibility. So, when all of this hapened, I took care of the problem by talking to everyone about how we could solve the diffrences we had, but most importantly I stayed positive. I also visualized and expected my bosses, and coworker, praising me and talking about my promotion. Last week my boss finally told me how happy they were with my work, and with my team work. She acknowledge how wrong my coworker was, and spoke to me about the promotion. Today my supervisor gave me a 50 dll gift card for my efforts. I was totally shocked and giddy at the same time. I think its funny though that the visualization I put less effort on, is the one that came true the fastes. I have almost all of Lanie's mp3 meditations and do them on a daily basis, but have not manifested any of those wishes yet. Maybe I need to lay off the constant meditation for a while, and just trust that what I want is coming anyway. Good luck though on your serch for that job 😉
Last edited by Elena (11/07/2016 10:23 pm)