Hi Lanie, hi dear forum members,first of all, i'm happy to be here I'm new to this forum, but definitely not new to loa related topics and especially not to RS. In the past I attracted many guys into my life, people I had a crush on via social media, ex's and even a celebrity. It has never been a problem for me, because I think I'm pretty smart, cool & attractive so I never doubted myself in any way. With the power of my mind and taking time for RS sessions I always got them to contact me. No exception – it always worked ! Here is the problem with my current situation which made me buy all of Lanie's mp3's and sign up to this forum...To make it short – I actually had a first date with a guy that I attracted via social media. I had a blast and his body language was telling me he felt the same. Now weird part --> - after the date I didn't hear from him for like 5 days which irritated me so much that I kind of 'lost' my coolness or nerves... Now I realize that he was probably 'testing' me to see how I reacted but during these days I was so shocked to not hear from him that I acted like a complete different person --> Hurt ego, irritated woman – guess what's coming next
of couse, I texted him first asking what's going on etc.. making it even more weird. He then wanted to meet again but I declined politely because it wasn't feeling 'right' (I mean no woman wants to go on a pity-date).
No contact since then. I know the moment I acted from a hurt-ego-point of view was the moment I ruined it the interaction between us. I should have stayed calm and PW'd him and let him come to me – as I did with all the other guys. The fact that I didn't impress him that much or that he wanted to test my reaction (and I kind of failed) really holds me down. My RS sessions since then don't feel honest and real anymore and I feel like I've lost my magic spark when it comes to him. How can I switch my energy back ? I mean obviously my inner strength and belief isn't only dependent on one person's approval - but I must admit that this is the first time something like that has happened to me. I still want him back into my life even though he acted like in idiot but I am kind of blocked in my manifestations. AND I love manifesting so it really is an issue I would like to solve.
I hope you have any suggestions in how to get my powers back
Last edited by lunamoon (11/12/2016 4:59 pm)
Hello! Firstly you sound like THE BADDEST BIH!!! I cannot say I've had that kind of success with so many, BUT I have experienced something like this, too. This guy who was REALLY hot, met via dating app, and quite honestly one of the hottest matches I've had. He was being really hot and cold. The way I attracted him back (although I ended up just not being interested enough to pursue anything) was deciding that he is missing out so bad. Girl, you know you're smart and attractive and awesome company- he's being such an idiot missing out on that! See him as someone "below you" (I don't mean below like that, just as someone who should be chasing after you, if that makes sense), be almost confused that he actually went this long without seeing you. I always recommend taking a liiiiitle time off (could even be an afternoon/evening) thinking about anything to do with him- distraction is good for relieving any feelings of desperation/anxiety. Remind yourself that you have done this PLENTY of times! Also, get it out of your head that he is 'testing' you. We really always come up with our own theories, and unless you want to be right about that one, come up with your own! Hear him say in Pussy-Whip that he's dying to see you and can't stay away from you. Burn With Desire is reeeeeaaally good for that. Another guy I'd once been chatting to (non-stop- he kept initiating) suddenly stopped one day. I got mad at first but then I decided to do Burn and after the weekend he returned with an INTENSE sexual interest in me. Turns out it was his birthday that weekend and his family had come down to spend it with him. (So, like I said, theories, theories).
Sorry I got over-excited and wrote too much. Your track record is just so cool! Dayyum 💥
Hope this helps xx
Amazonne, love the attitude girl!!
Thanks for the great reply amazonne ! I love your username !
You guys will not believe me but I'm so sure that my post here send something out to the universe. Got a 'sign' this morning. LOA, you crazy sh .. I prefer to see it as sth. positive, though.
There was this one particular lady which I always saw in his friend list. There are TONS of women there because he's an artist and has a wide circle. None of them 'scared' me or made me jealous. But this particular lady I kneeeeew would somehow screw it up for me. I just knew he would end up trying it with her first instead of me. (they live closer to each other and she is not that intimidating ) So this morning I woke up, scroll around and suddenly saw a video of them both - hanging out singing songs etc. I did not stalk any of them - they appeared in the suggestion-section of instagram. I really want to see it as a sign to get me, my mind, my power alllll back together and start PW'ing und Burn'ing him in a more constant pattern. I'm an Aries and I guess a little competition keeps us going more than anything else
So basically I attracted her into this whole thing by even giving her attention in the past - and I'm so not giving both of them any of my attention anymore. The present is what I have manifested a month ago, that's so crazy. My plan is to start with Burn, because that gives the fastest results. At least twice a day. For like a month or so.
I really like how Lanie decribes the guy at the cut the cord MP3. She uses the term insect and it made me laugh so hard. That's the attitude I need right now and I will keep on doing what I do and update you
girlpower !