WOW I've just woken up from a dream which was very nearly what i visualise about with him. I'd only been asleep for 2 hours as well! This is only the third dream I've had about him too. The first one i posted about the other day how his friend confirmed that my guy loved me. My only three dreams of him and all in the same week!
My guy used to disappear on me in real life sometimes and that was something i'd been working on having him tell me and be honest with me about when i was visualising. Well in the dream he kept doing it and i pulled him up on it, held him close kissed him and told him he had to stop doing it and be completely honest with me or this wasn't going to work. He promised he would and proceeded to apologise and show me a letter explaining where he'd gone!
Also my visualisation includes him coming over here for my birthday in January, he's never been to my country. Well guess what happened in the dream, yep he came and gave me a present, not the present i'd visualised but I'm not complaining ๐.
I also visualise him saying his family wants to meet me, in my dream I went to meet them but when we got there he said it wasn't a good time as there was some kind of wedding thing going on!
Yesterday was the first day i'd woken up and while getting ready for work it came into my head that i don't need him, I want him but don't need him. I also didn't feel the need to keep looking at pictures of him either.
Is dreaming about what you visualise a good sign?
Thank you lot and Lanie so much, I'm feeling on top of the world just now ๐.
Last edited by daisychain (11/19/2016 8:31 am)
I think it is. I had a dream of my guy putting his arm around my neck saying "come here." It was a friendly gesture more than romantic. At least it appeared that way in my dream. Though days earlier I had woken up feeling sexually released with no memory how I got that way. I get the feeling it has to do with my guy. I never had a sex dream that I had an orgasm from ever. So this is significant for me.