emmiline wrote:
^ Subliminals might achieve this instead.
What do you mean by that? Like manifesting intelligence and things within ourselves is possible?
This is the thread on subliminals, if you check some of the channels on youtube there are some offered which improve focus, memory etc.
Do your research, there is still debate about if they actually work or negative side effects.
emmiline wrote:
This is the thread on subliminals, if you check some of the channels on youtube there are some offered which improve focus, memory etc.
Do your research, there is still debate about if they actually work or negative side effects.
Okay thanks. Have you tried subliminals before?
lalalovely wrote:
shinebright3012 wrote:
Okay thanks and do you know what scripting is? The guided meditations are the mp3s right?
So far have you been able to manifest anything that you wanted? Btw, I'm quoting this instead of your recent reply cuz for some reason, it wouldn't let me quote the other one cuz it had a link and this site said I needed to post 5 times before I could quote your other quote.Yes I've done scripting for a while but I get lazy doing it. Scripting is rewriting your day (like a diary) as if you already have your desire at the moment. Take some time to get into this stuff. There is a lot of good information to find on the internet about the law of attraction
The guided meditations are the mp3 files. There are also some on google, but some have subliminal messages and I personally am not really fond of that.
I have manifested a lot of things. I havent manifested my ex back (yet) but I know from my side that there are still some feelings of hurt/resistance I need to deal with. However, I manifested contact with him many times. I even manifested him saying that he dreamt about me and complementing me.
Some examples from what I did manifest:
- Contact with my best friend from high school (we separated in a fight years ago, but I manifested her to reach out to me and meet up)
- A trip to Ibiza, Spain
- Not one, but two jobs
- meeting up family members of my love
- Two free professional books about neuropsychology (My desire was to gain more knowledge in this topics and within a few days my supervisor was cleaning his office and gave me the first book, and a friend of him gave me a second one when he passed by another day)
- A kettebel (in the exact weight -12kg- I set my intentions in). I wanted this for our gym attic, but didnt want to travel to the sports store (an hour from my house) to get one, so I just set the intention that it would come to me. So a few weeks after there was a competitions and one of the prices was a kettelbel of 12kg, guess what I won? ;)
- Changes in my appearance (tighter skin without more exercising than usual)
- Passed my statistic course with the exact grade I wanted
- Tickets to a show I wanted to see
- >1000 euro in cash
- I also manifested spot in an international campaign that strives for empowerment of women to be confident in their own body, I even manifested the exact role (letter) I would be
- I am pretty sure I also manifested the house I live in atm (but I cant find the picture I used to manifest this house with two years ago -I didnt had a clue about LOA then, but I just looked at the pictures and imagined living there, how I would decorate the rooms, how it would feel-. I just know it is in the same village, neighbourhood and price class as I set my intentions too but i really hope to find that picture again to proof it is the same building project).
And many many more things, these just popped up in my head first. I really should write them down because looking back at your own manifestations like this really builds your own faith![]()
Did you manifest these using the steps from the PW book or Burn with desire? Aren't the steps in those books the same thing except one is me visualizing myself what to say and the other one is them actually saying it?
How long did it take for you to manifest each of these things like your home, kettebel, your two jobs, your friend coming back into your life, etc?
Has scripting worked for you in helping you manifesting the things you wanted?