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Over the past two days I have seen my POI 5 times.
Once in person, holding his new girlfriends hand.
This upset me at first but then I took it as a sign, a sign to say he is on his way, keep going... I have only been doing this for 3 weeks and this is the first time I saw him in public.
I think means that the universe is in the works, its putting together 'coincidences' and synchronicity.
I will keep going to know that the timing has to be right, he has changed a lot since I last saw him.
I saw a physic not long ago that said I would end up with a guy with long hair, and when I saw my POI today, he has grown out his hair!!
I think seeing our POI with other girls is part of the process almost, I think he has been thinking about me too for that to happen, to see him so many times in two days. Don't give up ladies, if this happens to you, thank the universe for bringing him back into your life. Open the seed and give the seed love of you both being back together. I just did BWD on him and also visualizing us dancing and laughing together.
It feels good!
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