I just wanted to say to all those who doubt, this stuff works. I've used PW on 2 co-workers asking for them to treat me better and within a few days saw results. I've also asked my POI to "treat me like a queen" in a PW session and when I saw him the following week he was angry at a customer, and he said to them "and if you think I'm going to treat you like a queen, your wrong" I was standing there and it seemed like he didn't know why he said it.
So, I've been doing Pw on my POI for a year, on and off. I've know him for more than 6 years. We get close to seriously dating and something always happens. The last time I saw him was last November,I told him I was dating someone( which wasn't true) and I could tell he was upset, he told me that he just wanted to just be friends- I felt like I blew it. He also told me that the market he worked at wasn't returning and that he was going to Texas, so I figured I probably wouldn't see him again unless he made the effort, he lives 2 hours away and works crazy hours. My mind started getting in the way and I figured that if he wanted to see me he should make the effort, even though his friend told me that he is very interested in me and talked about me all the time. It's a long story so I won't get into it. I was upset, but I kept busy and tried to move on. I kept doing PW on and off. We would text each other on and off since November, he usually would answer my text within seconds of me sending it. Fast forward to May, I did the love spell, after I did it I felt calm and I let it go, didn't worry if it was working ,I did it and let it go. A week later, I get an email saying that the market was returning. I spoke to a co-worker of mine who is in contact with my POI's good buddy who also works in the market and the guy says, no it must be some other market. Well, the next week on I get to work and who should be sitting there, my POI. The market owner told him that morning at 6am that they would be returning to our site. That was last week. In my meditation, I saw us in a relationship, very happy having fun, and him treating me better, and being happier in my home, cooking,etc. A friend of mine always said she thought that he really cared about me but he felt intimidated by me.
So the universe worked it's magic, because I asked also for another chance to make things right with him.
I saw him today, he was really glad to see me. He blurted out he would not be returning and today was his last day. He didn't even tell his friend who works with him and he didn't tell any of his friends. He was packing up to go to New Orleans for a job, which sounded very sketchy to me. we went for a walk and he told me that he was tired of not making enough money, and not being able to go out because he was always just trying to make enough to feed himself, he wanted to pay off his student loans and buy a house. While we were talking, he was that person I saw him as when I visualized. He was kind and attentive and happy to just open up to me. He hugged me and I had to get back to work, but I told him to stop by before he left. I wanted to just to see him one last time, but he left without saying goodbye. He said that he sent a text but he figured I didn't get it. I feel very sad right now, but happy because I got the feeling that it was working. I want him to stay, I have this feeling that it's working, but I want him to have a good life but not without me. What do I do now?