Hi, I'm new to this forum. My man has been acting very distant. I'm trying hard to give him his space without being all panicky. I want my loving guy back who always makes time to see me. What can i do? Thanks!
Have you tried simply talking to him first?
Claire_Bear wrote:
Have you tried simply talking to him first?
Yes, multiple times. There hasn't been any improvement in his actions. He just says he's really busy with his business. I have been understanding, but stilll can't seem to stop panicking.
Panic is a low vibration. Ever notice when you freak out about something it comes true? Self-fullfilling prophecy.
If you want the relationship to change, you need to vibrate higher. You need to love yourself and feel good. Only after that, you begin to visualize the relationship you want. Like attracts like. You want a happy and healthy relationship so you must be happy and healthy. You definitely don't sound too happy right now.
However, you should never want to "make" someone do what you want. Here's the thing: Once you love yourself and vibrate higher, you probably won't want to force anyone to give you the attention you desire. You won't need it. You'll have so much love within yourself that anyone else's love is simply a bonus. Just something to think about.