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9/17/2018 3:04 pm  #1

No Feelings?

Whenever I try to bring my feelings into the meditations, I have none?  Is anyone else experiencing something similar?  Does it not work if I'm not able to get a lot of feeling?

12/17/2018 3:08 am  #2

Re: No Feelings?

I think you should concentrate more on your meditation. Focus on your thoughts. For me, having feelings is an important aspect in meditating

12/17/2018 5:23 pm  #3

Re: No Feelings?

GoldGirl wrote:

Whenever I try to bring my feelings into the meditations, I have none?  Is anyone else experiencing something similar?  Does it not work if I'm not able to get a lot of feeling?

Yes, it works regardless. It's not necessarily about the feelings, but about impressing what you desire on your subconscious mind so it becomes a belief. Emotions help some, but don't force them.

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