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11/12/2018 10:52 am  #1

Is it working?!

Hi New here.

My partner of 5 years and I have recently broken up due to an unplanned pregnancy and him going into postnatal depression. He is currently having counselling to combat this, which is good and his outlook has been improving.
We have had an extended breakup due to owning a house and having a 7month old. He has said during thr breakup that he loves me but isnt in love with me and then been a tonne of other mixed messages.

I couldnt take it anymore and left for my parents for 2weeks of NC. This is when I discovered Lanies books.

I am midway through a love spell and the first time I did the BWD he messaged me that night until 2am. He hasnt done that for ages.

Also when I came home from being away, he was working from home to help us unpack the car and help with bedtime routines. He never did that before and was a real surprise!
There has also been other small gestures, an arm drapped over the back of my chair, choosing a really nice place for lunch, slight flirting and better communication. Odd phrases hinting at future involvement together.

Where I am able I am leaving the house and getting on with my life, without telling him what I am up to. An air of mystery and I feel empowered. He keeps wanting to know what I am doing with myself. He has even hinted at jealously of maybe another man in my life.

Do you think the manifestations are working and could work for someone in my position?!

I have another two weeks away from him planned coming up and I am keeping up with the love spell and BWD.

11/19/2018 6:40 am  #2

Re: Is it working?!

Manifestation or conscious creation works on everyone, that includes you! As long as you believe in the universal powers, everything will eventually come into place. 

12/21/2018 4:45 am  #3

Re: Is it working?!

hang in there! with meditations and listening to subliminals, it will surely help you even further! maintain positive thinking and never give up. :D goodluck!

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