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2/09/2017 2:22 am  #11

Re: Kiss him goodbye cuz youre gonna miss him ;)

Cotton wrote:

Im sorry i cant see where my previous thread is so im starting a new one

First things must let go of the need to plan or plot or scheme or meditate or visualize to make anything happen. Why? Because the second you desire is already SO!

Every future is a probable reality. You dont have to create anything.

Where the work or the "effort" lies is what you must "do" to connet to that reality.

And we do that by FEELING it as happening RIGHT now. Not sometime in the future...and thats not to say that if you keep thinking of it in the future then you will just attract more of it happening in the future. But because, it actually IS happening RIGHT NOW.

Because, there is no future or past there is only NOW

And in some other parrallel reality you ARE enjoying YOU desired reality NOW. Now now now! Get that in your heads and your hearts lol

So, now we know that we connect with our desired reality by feeling it as happening right now. And what happens when we plot and plan and scheme to make our ex come back? We unknowingly keep a part of our focus on the what IS (our not preffered reality).

Planning and plotting is different than feeling it real. When you feel it real you dont look for evidence. When you visualize or do lanies techniques to get him back rather than FEEL that you actually do have him back and he is obsessed with you and treats you like a queen and you guys kiss with your mouths open lol....then you will fail to "see" results.

Let me ask you, lets assume you are pregnant. Or know someone that is pregnant. Would it make sense for you or that someone to constantly ask if she was indeed pregnant because the baby isnt here yet?

When you feel it real you IMPREGNATE your souls with that reality and you constantly checking for results will cause a mental miscarriage.

When you feel your reality as real as a pregnant woman knows that she is indeed pregnant....then it will manifest.

There is no such thing as divine timing. It will "appear" when it feels natural to you. So the work is to make it feel natural. Stick to your new story and please do not give a fuck about what your guy is doing because that is just an echo, an illusion, smoke and mirrors and infact id suggest give this version of your boyfriend a long hug because you are not ever ever going to see this version of him again ;). Shut the door on him and lock it away and throw away the fucking keys.

Enjoy your new life in your imagination (which is the actual world) and joyfully expect it to manifest very very soon!

Hope this helps my sweethearts!

Please stop the longing and the aching and the pain all at once! Focus! Bring the attention and energy back onto yourself! YOU are the entire YOUniverse!

She had some great posts👍

2/10/2017 12:28 pm  #12

Re: Kiss him goodbye cuz youre gonna miss him ;)

I'm really glad this was bumped. I'm at this place where I know this person is back ,
(I don't really care when they come back or how😂) and it's strange but hopefully it means I'm going the right way..


2/10/2017 3:07 pm  #13

Re: Kiss him goodbye cuz youre gonna miss him ;)

Golden wrote:

I'm really glad this was bumped. I'm at this place where I know this person is back ,
(I don't really care when they come back or how😂) and it's strange but hopefully it means I'm going the right way..

Your feelings really do lead the way!! ❤️

2/10/2017 8:08 pm  #14

Re: Kiss him goodbye cuz youre gonna miss him ;)

Someone suggested scripting but scripting as a journal and everyday writing down what you two did and how amazing it was can help you get into the space of it already happening. 

"The best way to predict your future is to create it." - Abraham Lincoln 

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