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2/06/2016 2:54 am  #1

No contact!

Im cross posting this from another forum because I think some of you could also gain from this perspective. I hope it can help someone to move forward. Lots of love.

If you've been blocked from every possible portal imaginable.. As in, EVERY form of communication has been cut, it is definitely time to step away! Put down that phone and stop those texting fingers immediately! And read to the end before you freak out on me!

If you want the fastest, most efficient and easiest path back to your love it is going to be through YOUR implementation of the NO CONTACT RULE.

That's right, I said it. No. Contact. None. Nada. Zero. Nothing.

There are so many reasons for this:

First. You need to stop the crazy needy thought patterns. They have to go! It takes 21 days to forge some new neurological pathways. At the moment yours are heading down the "omg I'm dying without youuuuuuu" path. That's ugly. Would YOU want someone like that? No way. You need to dig out some new pathways. Ones that scream "you are the luckiest person in the WORLD right now, because I'm CONSIDERING dating you again!"

So. In order to successfully do this, you have to call your own time out. You need to enforce upon yourself and your love, a period of complete time out. Even if you're already blocked, you can energetically say "WHATEVER, IM BLOCKING YOU BACK!" You need to retreat back to your corners. They need to regroup, and you certainly need to regroup. You broke up because what you have is BROKEN. No biggie, we can fix that easily.

Right, so the next thing that needs to happen is that you completely and utterly erase the past. It serves you absolutely no purpose unless it was sensational. And I'm gathering it was a sensational fail! So it's gotta go. No anger, no bitterness, no drama. It existed because you created it. Let it go, because until you reach this point you can't attract them back.

You need to work on you. Why do you feel so desperate to have them back? It's because you fear. You feel unworthy. And that has to go. You work on this through affirmations, mirror work, meditation and so forth. Read up on LOA. Understand who you are. You are an eternal being of light and love! Not a needy, desperate blocked person! So we have to coax this side back out.

The best way I know of finding peace is through gratitude. And it starts off a little rocky because you look around and think "this is crap, I feel like crap, my life is crap. Thanks so much for my bed. Great. My big, empty bed that MOCKS me with the extra pillows.. that I have NOBODY TO SHARE WITH!"
But I promise, if you keep going you actually WILL find something that is at least interesting to ponder. "I wonder how many people it took to make this bed?" And then you can find appreciation. "Ok so at least I'm warm and dry." When you wake up, try again. Try to appreciate. It will come. Appreciation is close to love, so if you can find things to appreciate, you are now broadcasting a vibration that will be attractive to others.

Exercise, do yoga, get in shape, eat well, look after yourself. Do it. You'll feel better with all those endorphins pumping through you.. And you'll look amazing when you attract your love back to you! Use the time wisely! Every day counts!!

Don't you want to be the best person you can be?! You already ARE that person, if you'll only vibrate at that frequency. So start to behave like the person who has it all. Get up early. Exercise. Enjoy your shower! Go to work. Be productive! Smile, and practice your manifesting powers all day long. Practice gratitude and appreciation. Do it until you finally tap into that energy of LOVE. You will know it when you reach it, it's unmistakeable.

ONCE and ONLY ONCE you have come to the point where you can feel love and appreciation for YOURSELF, are you ready to attract your love. And it DOES NOT come through contacting them. It comes from putting out the vibration of love and joy, warmth and friendship.. Direct it towards them. You may be in no contact, but you're TWENTY MILLION STEPS AHEAD.. Because you've actually uncovered a communication portal that your life likely doesn't even KNOW exists. It's your subconscious mind. And reaching out to them in that way is far more powerful than a lame little text will EVER be. The power of your subconscious mind, when directed clearly and energetically with love, will yield to you what ABSOLUTELY NO amount of pleading and begging and crying will.

Trust this process. Trust what Lanie, Veronica, and all of the masters before them have stated emphatically. THIS. Works. But please remember this. Nothing can change until YOU change.
Until then, no contact. Except for energetic contact. That's all yours. At any moment you wish. And it is actually more real, more potent, and more alive than anything you've previously experienced.

2/06/2016 7:53 am  #2

Re: No contact!

Cherished, you speak the truth. But there are those who no matter what you say or how many times you say it, don’t want to listen. So I hope to all those reading this that you take it under serious consideration.
Which other forum are you on by the way?
Here is something to be grateful for. I came across an article just yesterday that stated one of the best benefits of being single is knowing that no one is cheating on you. The gratitude Journal really works. Do it for yourself and see.
And in terms of exercise you don’t even have to get extreme with it. I read a story years ago about this lady whose boyfriend broke up with her. She did the classical mistake most of us women make in relationships. Made the guy her whole world. After he was gone, she noticed that friends and family were gone too. Of course this was her own making. So she whipped out the cd walkman, yes this was a while ago, and would simply walk around her neighborhood for 1 to 2 hours depending on she felt. 6 months later, she lost over 80 pounds. And all she did was walk. That is something else to consider ladies.
Best Regards,
Shana Jahsinta Walters

2/06/2016 9:10 am  #3

Re: No contact!

No contact is the way to go.

I tell all my girlfriends to do it. A lot don't listen and I know it is difficult but it is one of those processes that when you get out on the other side you realise how much stronger you feel having just worked through things in your own time. It will be a bit of a roller coaster of emotions, if you believe you won't be strong enough to not contact them then delete delete delete. Remove the temptation.

Even now although me and my love are on speaking terms I never initiate contact. It puts you in a place of power and that's where we need to be coming from.

2/06/2016 12:58 pm  #4

Re: No contact!

Cherished wrote:

Im cross posting this from another forum because I think some of you could also gain from this perspective. I hope it can help someone to move forward. Lots of love.

If you've been blocked from every possible portal imaginable.. As in, EVERY form of communication has been cut, it is definitely time to step away! Put down that phone and stop those texting fingers immediately! And read to the end before you freak out on me!

If you want the fastest, most efficient and easiest path back to your love it is going to be through YOUR implementation of the NO CONTACT RULE.

That's right, I said it. No. Contact. None. Nada. Zero. Nothing.

There are so many reasons for this:

First. You need to stop the crazy needy thought patterns. They have to go! It takes 21 days to forge some new neurological pathways. At the moment yours are heading down the "omg I'm dying without youuuuuuu" path. That's ugly. Would YOU want someone like that? No way. You need to dig out some new pathways. Ones that scream "you are the luckiest person in the WORLD right now, because I'm CONSIDERING dating you again!"

So. In order to successfully do this, you have to call your own time out. You need to enforce upon yourself and your love, a period of complete time out. Even if you're already blocked, you can energetically say "WHATEVER, IM BLOCKING YOU BACK!" You need to retreat back to your corners. They need to regroup, and you certainly need to regroup. You broke up because what you have is BROKEN. No biggie, we can fix that easily.

Right, so the next thing that needs to happen is that you completely and utterly erase the past. It serves you absolutely no purpose unless it was sensational. And I'm gathering it was a sensational fail! So it's gotta go. No anger, no bitterness, no drama. It existed because you created it. Let it go, because until you reach this point you can't attract them back.

You need to work on you. Why do you feel so desperate to have them back? It's because you fear. You feel unworthy. And that has to go. You work on this through affirmations, mirror work, meditation and so forth. Read up on LOA. Understand who you are. You are an eternal being of light and love! Not a needy, desperate blocked person! So we have to coax this side back out.

The best way I know of finding peace is through gratitude. And it starts off a little rocky because you look around and think "this is crap, I feel like crap, my life is crap. Thanks so much for my bed. Great. My big, empty bed that MOCKS me with the extra pillows.. that I have NOBODY TO SHARE WITH!"
But I promise, if you keep going you actually WILL find something that is at least interesting to ponder. "I wonder how many people it took to make this bed?" And then you can find appreciation. "Ok so at least I'm warm and dry." When you wake up, try again. Try to appreciate. It will come. Appreciation is close to love, so if you can find things to appreciate, you are now broadcasting a vibration that will be attractive to others.

Exercise, do yoga, get in shape, eat well, look after yourself. Do it. You'll feel better with all those endorphins pumping through you.. And you'll look amazing when you attract your love back to you! Use the time wisely! Every day counts!!

Don't you want to be the best person you can be?! You already ARE that person, if you'll only vibrate at that frequency. So start to behave like the person who has it all. Get up early. Exercise. Enjoy your shower! Go to work. Be productive! Smile, and practice your manifesting powers all day long. Practice gratitude and appreciation. Do it until you finally tap into that energy of LOVE. You will know it when you reach it, it's unmistakeable.

ONCE and ONLY ONCE you have come to the point where you can feel love and appreciation for YOURSELF, are you ready to attract your love. And it DOES NOT come through contacting them. It comes from putting out the vibration of love and joy, warmth and friendship.. Direct it towards them. You may be in no contact, but you're TWENTY MILLION STEPS AHEAD.. Because you've actually uncovered a communication portal that your life likely doesn't even KNOW exists. It's your subconscious mind. And reaching out to them in that way is far more powerful than a lame little text will EVER be. The power of your subconscious mind, when directed clearly and energetically with love, will yield to you what ABSOLUTELY NO amount of pleading and begging and crying will.

Trust this process. Trust what Lanie, Veronica, and all of the masters before them have stated emphatically. THIS. Works. But please remember this. Nothing can change until YOU change.
Until then, no contact. Except for energetic contact. That's all yours. At any moment you wish. And it is actually more real, more potent, and more alive than anything you've previously experienced.

Cherished you are EXACTLY spot on with everything you have written so eloquently.  So many women feel they need to reach out and it is the worse thing you can do.  It's always disappointing because 1) he will continue to be cold and distant which crushes your fragile ego or 2) after that contact from you he still won't contact you again.  So any baby steps you have taken to heal are gone and you must start the healing process all over again.

Stay away from him and contact him as many times as you would like using your subconscious mind.  It works!  Last night as I was lying in bed I sent a message to my fiancé' (he's in the mountains right now) and within 5 minutes he called me just to say he suddenly thought of me and how very, very much he loved and missed me.  No coincidence.  I didn't even send him a message.  I was just seeing what would happen if I called him to me, looked into his eyes, felt love and gratitude and then released him.  I didn't hear him say anything and I didn't say anything to him.  My point, contact them subconsciously because they will feel you, hear you, connect with you and it will affect them.

A text?  No, not so much!  LOL  Please "sisters" hear me!  You have the power and control to change your lives if you will just hear what Cherished is saying.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

2/06/2016 1:00 pm  #5

Re: No contact!

Oasiscalm wrote:

No contact is the way to go.

I tell all my girlfriends to do it. A lot don't listen and I know it is difficult but it is one of those processes that when you get out on the other side you realise how much stronger you feel having just worked through things in your own time. It will be a bit of a roller coaster of emotions, if you believe you won't be strong enough to not contact them then delete delete delete. Remove the temptation.

Even now although me and my love are on speaking terms I never initiate contact. It puts you in a place of power and that's where we need to be coming from.

I was with my fiancé' 4 years when we broke up.  I immediately deleted all of his contact information.  With smart phones who knows phone numbers, etc?  I could have looked it up on my bill or something if I became a nut case but I didn't.  I sent him messages I knew he would receive and be unable to block.  The power of my thoughts.  

2/06/2016 4:43 pm  #6

Re: No contact!

Lanie Stevens wrote:

Oasiscalm wrote:

No contact is the way to go.

I tell all my girlfriends to do it. A lot don't listen and I know it is difficult but it is one of those processes that when you get out on the other side you realise how much stronger you feel having just worked through things in your own time. It will be a bit of a roller coaster of emotions, if you believe you won't be strong enough to not contact them then delete delete delete. Remove the temptation.

Even now although me and my love are on speaking terms I never initiate contact. It puts you in a place of power and that's where we need to be coming from.

I was with my fiancé' 4 years when we broke up.  I immediately deleted all of his contact information.  With smart phones who knows phone numbers, etc?  I could have looked it up on my bill or something if I became a nut case but I didn't.  I sent him messages I knew he would receive and be unable to block.  The power of my thoughts.  

Absolutely! People try to contact their ex and portray their confidence with "just one friendly little message.." But it's an immediate fail because you cannot hide your underlying vibration. Your energy speaks more powerfully than your words EVER will. And I think that's where so many people trip up. What your process attains is a certain vibration of power. Suddenly you feel you can exercise control with this new relationship version in your subconscious. And you absolutely CAN. It reverses ALL of the power back to you. Love you Lanie. 😘

     Thread Starter

2/06/2016 5:14 pm  #7

Re: No contact!

Lanie Stevens wrote:

Cherished you are EXACTLY spot on with everything you have written so eloquently.  So many women feel they need to reach out and it is the worse thing you can do.  It's always disappointing because 1) he will continue to be cold and distant which crushes your fragile ego or 2) after that contact from you he still won't contact you again.  So any baby steps you have taken to heal are gone and you must start the healing process all over again.

Stay away from him and contact him as many times as you would like using your subconscious mind.  It works!  Last night as I was lying in bed I sent a message to my fiancé' (he's in the mountains right now) and within 5 minutes he called me just to say he suddenly thought of me and how very, very much he loved and missed me.  No coincidence.  I didn't even send him a message.  I was just seeing what would happen if I called him to me, looked into his eyes, felt love and gratitude and then released him.  I didn't hear him say anything and I didn't say anything to him.  My point, contact them subconsciously because they will feel you, hear you, connect with you and it will affect them.

A text?  No, not so much!  LOL  Please "sisters" hear me!  You have the power and control to change your lives if you will just hear what Cherished is saying.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

This is so beautiful Lanie. I can feel the love all way over here.

Best Regards,
Shana Jahsinta Walters.

2/06/2016 5:16 pm  #8

Re: No contact!

Lanie Stevens wrote:

I was with my fiancé' 4 years when we broke up.  I immediately deleted all of his contact information.  With smart phones who knows phone numbers, etc?  I could have looked it up on my bill or something if I became a nut case but I didn't.  I sent him messages I knew he would receive and be unable to block.  The power of my thoughts.  

Pure gold right here.

Best Regards,
Shana Jahsinta Walters.

2/06/2016 6:29 pm  #9

Re: No contact!

ChaliceSnowFlower wrote:

Lanie Stevens wrote:

Cherished you are EXACTLY spot on with everything you have written so eloquently.  So many women feel they need to reach out and it is the worse thing you can do.  It's always disappointing because 1) he will continue to be cold and distant which crushes your fragile ego or 2) after that contact from you he still won't contact you again.  So any baby steps you have taken to heal are gone and you must start the healing process all over again.

Stay away from him and contact him as many times as you would like using your subconscious mind.  It works!  Last night as I was lying in bed I sent a message to my fiancé' (he's in the mountains right now) and within 5 minutes he called me just to say he suddenly thought of me and how very, very much he loved and missed me.  No coincidence.  I didn't even send him a message.  I was just seeing what would happen if I called him to me, looked into his eyes, felt love and gratitude and then released him.  I didn't hear him say anything and I didn't say anything to him.  My point, contact them subconsciously because they will feel you, hear you, connect with you and it will affect them.

A text?  No, not so much!  LOL  Please "sisters" hear me!  You have the power and control to change your lives if you will just hear what Cherished is saying.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

This is so beautiful Lanie. I can feel the love all way over here.

Best Regards,
Shana Jahsinta Walters.

Awww Shana, thank you for your kind words to me.  When I read your messages I can feel, sense and know the heart and soul you put into them.  xoxoxoxoxo

2/07/2016 11:28 am  #10

Re: No contact!

Lanie Stevens wrote:

Oasiscalm wrote:

No contact is the way to go.

I tell all my girlfriends to do it. A lot don't listen and I know it is difficult but it is one of those processes that when you get out on the other side you realise how much stronger you feel having just worked through things in your own time. It will be a bit of a roller coaster of emotions, if you believe you won't be strong enough to not contact them then delete delete delete. Remove the temptation.

Even now although me and my love are on speaking terms I never initiate contact. It puts you in a place of power and that's where we need to be coming from.

I was with my fiancé' 4 years when we broke up.  I immediately deleted all of his contact information.  With smart phones who knows phone numbers, etc?  I could have looked it up on my bill or something if I became a nut case but I didn't.  I sent him messages I knew he would receive and be unable to block.  The power of my thoughts.  

 "I sent him messages I knew he would receive and be unable to block.  The power of my thoughts"

I LOVE the way you have described this, Lanie! So empowering! 

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