I'm writing this post because I had just felt IMMENSE LOVE during my PW SESSION. It almost made me cry in a good way, I have had this experience before but today it was INTENSE. I don't know about HIM, what he feels or get when I do PW but on my end, I FEEL GOOD doing it. These days I've been reading posts that people are upset about, asking over & over again if it's working or what if it's been more than 6 months. TO BE HONEST, I'm no expert...I don't know anything, I don't know what to say but I have learnt only ONE THING, KEEP IT CLEAN.
It means whatever you do, just do it from the place of LOVE. Don't think too much, just do...& LET GOOO.
I get upset too. I was upset today but whenever I feel upset, I visualize myself spending time with him, hearing him how much he cares for me, how much he loves me & treating me like his QUEEN. It brought tears in my eyes when I visualized all that I wanted. It is now TOTALLY DIFFERENT from what I was feeling before this session. I was feeling LACK, I was SAD but NOW, I'm totally in LOVE, joy & the SATISFACTION of meeting him. It's amazing.
So Ladies, whenever you feel lack, whenever it feels nothing going right, just sit down, relaxed, close your eyes & see yourself as you're with your love right now. MAKE IT REAL, MAKE IT BEAUTIFUL & FEEL THAT LOVE because that's what you will be feeling with your love when you were with him..Right?
See the things you want to see...this is what Neville says, this is what LANIE wrote about & this is what OASISCALM posted about in a thread ' activating the seed'.
I will suggest instead writing all about that went wrong, write things as you want to have & read it over & over again. Feel that blessings. Some of you mentioned you don't feel emotions because of trying for months...The reason I because you're waiting for their response. You're seeing the current reality but see the one, which is happening in YOUR VISUALIZATION.
Just remeber WHAT YOU GIVE, YOU RECIEVE! If you give worries, you will get more worries. IF YOU GIVE LOVE, YOU WILL GET MORE LOVE. Understand, the person is connected to you. Everything is connected. They can sense it SUBCONSCIOUSLY, so just think only GOOD THOUGHTS about them. Let me tell you...once I was thinking in negative way for my fella because things were not going as I wanted so I was thinking 'it's waste of time if he didn't want commitment' I was too upset on him so when I talked to him on this issue politely, he was feeling guilty that my time is wasting due to him...because he had some issues (not going into detail) I even didn't mention anything related to what I was feeling at that time but he was also too upset on it and felt guilty.
Amen! I agree with every word you've written. Sometimes when I want to do a PW/BWD (or whatever type of visualization) session I feel like I am forcing it. When I first started out, I would go through with it regardless. But now I know, I feel, you don`t really have to do it religiously or anything.
And when I feel down, insecure, impatient, or the like, I don't really go for PW/BWD/CC but instead I imagine him and me, with our (future) child, interacting and having a laugh, going for a walk, sipping coffee at a nice cafe, shopping for groceries or just everyday regular stuff, just doing it together - and it makes my heart so warm and smiley, and I just feel like I am positively radiating love, I just love love love that image in my mind. And you know what? I am so in love with that image I realize I naturally shift my focus from him and just focus on the love in that image, and I think this is IT!!
Good post...
One reason I start to do Lanie 's technique again its because make me feel calmer. When I stopped the technique before I was getting very angry with my ex, very bitter, very tense. I was starting to hate him.
.Now since i started do the thecnique I feel good for my self. I thought I don't need to look for signs because I know he is receiving the message. For me has been 6 days that I started my technique again, and I feel much better even with all the challenges that I am going through now. Not easy but we have to remind our selfs that either they react or not react yet they are recieving the message.We have to do this for us, and from a loving place. xx
Last edited by Linda (8/24/2016 4:07 am)
Love this Faith!
I think applying Lanie's techniques are so empowering for us women who have maybe unintentionally placed our worth on the shoulders of some guy. Society has somewhat conditioned us to place our value in the hands of men's opinions, and for the ladies on this forum - there is no need to feel shame or guilt for not being immune to this. It can be hard to unlearn these indoctrinated values, to remember that our worth is not based on a man's favor. Feeling upset or shame when rejected or pushed to the side doesn't make us weak. Making the first step in acknowledging that you deserve to be treated better and that you have the ability to take charge and not allow someone to make you feel low makes you strong!
Using these techniques that are available to everybody, but only understood by a few is our way of being "sly like a fox". The focus while applying the techniques should be to invoke confidence within ourselves, to regain our power, and ultimately better ourselves (with or without ex, even though he is making his way back 😉). The focus should not be sitting around waiting for a sign or getting frustrated with the "lack" of the target. Look around, the Universe gives us signs all the time of love and of luck - it just may be coming in a different form than we physically see it coming from our ex at the time. Radiate love, be love, have love ❤️❤️❤️ and always remember this quote: "Find the Goddess inside yourself instead of looking for the God in someone else." -Francesca Lia Block
Last edited by bellescanyon (8/24/2016 1:53 pm)
What an inspiring topic! I love all the positive posts! Thank you for starting it Faith! :-)
bellescanyon wrote:
Love this Faith!
I think applying Lanie's techniques are so empowering for us women who have maybe unintentionally placed our worth on the shoulders of some guy. Society has somewhat conditioned us to place our value in the hands of men's opinions, and for the ladies on this forum - there is no need to feel shame or guilt for not being immune to this. It can be hard to unlearn these indoctrinated values, to remember that our worth is not based on a man's favor. Feeling upset or shame when rejected or pushed to the side doesn't make us weak. Making the first step in acknowledging that you deserve to be treated better and that you have the ability to take charge and not allow someone to make you feel low makes you strong!
Using these techniques that are available to everybody, but only understood by a few is our way of being "sly like a fox". The focus while applying the techniques should be to invoke confidence within ourselves, to regain our power, and ultimately better ourselves (with or without ex, even though he is making his way back 😉). The focus should not be sitting around waiting for a sign or getting frustrated with the "lack" of the target. Look around, the Universe gives us signs all the time of love and of luck - it just may be coming in a different form than we physically see it coming from our ex at the time. Radiate love, be love, have love ❤️❤️❤️ and always remember this quote: "Find the Goddess inside yourself instead of looking for the God in someone else." -Francesca Lia Block
Well written 😗
I loved this's beautiful.😘
Faith wrote:
bellescanyon wrote:
Love this Faith!
I think applying Lanie's techniques are so empowering for us women who have maybe unintentionally placed our worth on the shoulders of some guy. Society has somewhat conditioned us to place our value in the hands of men's opinions, and for the ladies on this forum - there is no need to feel shame or guilt for not being immune to this. It can be hard to unlearn these indoctrinated values, to remember that our worth is not based on a man's favor. Feeling upset or shame when rejected or pushed to the side doesn't make us weak. Making the first step in acknowledging that you deserve to be treated better and that you have the ability to take charge and not allow someone to make you feel low makes you strong!
Using these techniques that are available to everybody, but only understood by a few is our way of being "sly like a fox". The focus while applying the techniques should be to invoke confidence within ourselves, to regain our power, and ultimately better ourselves (with or without ex, even though he is making his way back 😉). The focus should not be sitting around waiting for a sign or getting frustrated with the "lack" of the target. Look around, the Universe gives us signs all the time of love and of luck - it just may be coming in a different form than we physically see it coming from our ex at the time. Radiate love, be love, have love ❤️❤️❤️ and always remember this quote: "Find the Goddess inside yourself instead of looking for the God in someone else." -Francesca Lia BlockWell written 😗
I loved this's beautiful.😘
😊 Hope you're having a great day!!