Can't let go of guilt

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Posted by Indigo
2/23/2017 6:56 pm

Missy wrote:

Few months ago I started doing RS and LOA to attract ex who is in a relationship. First results are here, but I just can't let go of that guilt because his relationship is falling appart in front of my eyes as a result of my RS, and he seems stressed. So thoughts like manipulation, doing something wrong is crossing my mind.

What do you think?

I think that this is something that should have been considered before RSing him.
Now that it's done, you must deal with the result.  Make the best of it.  


*                   Don’t Be Pushed By Your Problems. Be Led By Your Dreams ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson                   *
Posted by MW
2/24/2017 2:42 am

We influence each other all the time. I would say the guilt you are feeling is also your ego trying to talk you out of your desire =self sabotage. If you keep on going you will obviously succeed as his relationship is starting to fall apart ( who says it wouldn't have fallen apart in a few weeks months anyway, you don't know that). If you stop they may heal the broken relationship or it could have a completely different outcome. The answer will be clear to you if you follow your hearts deepest desire.
Neville says something like ' go to the end and you won't harm anyone' . Only you know what is your highest desire, so go to the end of your highest desire and fall asleep there every night.

Posted by Missy
2/24/2017 2:05 pm

Thank you everyone, it helped a lot

I will be the best version of myself for me and him. That way he is the lucky one to have this happened to him.  I look at this as it had to happen so he could let go of her to get someone better.


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