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Posted by MLK
3/17/2017 7:46 am

So since I've started the techniques I have manifested my ex back into my life. We went from not talking to him actually initiating texts every day (I visualized that). When we don't speak he asks me where I have  been and has noticed an absence.
The only thing is, right now we are just very good friends. We see each other often and I do both BWD and PW on him a lot.  About a few weeks ago we kissed and slept in the same bed. I saw him about 3 more times since and talk to him every day but he doesn't initiate kissing or telling me how he feels. I know the techniques have worked because he has been 10x nicer and our relationship (whatever it is) is also better. What do I do to get him to ask me to be his girlfriend again and for him to initiate a move?

Thank you all !

Posted by Justine
3/17/2017 7:57 am

Do you visualize him saying those things? 
Do you have limited beliefs that are stopping the manifestation? 
Do you believe you guys can be in a relationship ?

Posted by MLK
3/17/2017 8:01 am

I have visualized him saying he loves me and I sense he wants to say it but he doesn't. I do believe but sometimes I doubt but overall I visualize him always being with me.

Also, last night we walked around town and he told me he was going to remember this night for a long time. He said he loved winter nights because they were beautiful. I responded with maybe it's the people you spend them with and he said that too. But did not tell me how he feels!

Posted by Evey2222
3/17/2017 8:35 am

Sounds like you have done so well! Keep patient, I bet it will come when you least expect it! Keep us update! I hope to get this sort of success very soon xx

Posted by kellykelly
3/17/2017 9:23 am

it already sounds like a success, well done. keep going, i believe the best is yet to be.

Posted by MLK
3/17/2017 9:44 am

Okay but I want him to be the one to say it. Although sometimes I feel I should. Thoughts on that?

Posted by Evey2222
3/17/2017 10:26 am

Just keep visualising him saying it and I guarantee the universe will surprise you  

Posted by MLK
3/17/2017 12:23 pm

And also he still hangs out with a girl who used to try to get in the way of our relationship. He knows I don't like her and is seeing a concert with her this weekend. Just let all that go? I know Him and I will be together in the end but that sometimes bothers me

Posted by emmiline
3/17/2017 8:58 pm

Hi MLK, thats great! Are you going to try the love spell on him? 

All advice given is intended in the best interest of whomever I may be replying to & my opinions may not necessarily reflect those of the wider community on the forum.

Posted by MLK
3/17/2017 9:01 pm

Yes I just did the spell last week 😊

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