Posted by veromaysep 5/09/2017 1:32 pm | #1 |
Hello everyone
I'm new to the forum, and this is my first time posting anything.But I need some advice from my fellow sisters.
In order for you to understand me better. I need to tell you the background story first. (Sorry if it's to long)
See I met this wonderful guy while in one of my semesters in college this was almost 2 years ago. He had told me that he liked me in which I knew, because I felt it.
After that we kept texting and calling each other every night. We talked about how we were going to travel and do many things together.
We both have children of our own he has 3 kids . I have 1 child. one year later both of our children met. They get a long great.
we never started a serious relationship together ,because we both wanted to finish school. But Last October he told me he liked me and wanted to start a life together
He Graduates this Saturday (May 13th)
BUT on April 20. things got out of control over something I said over a text. It's if something got into him .
I called him that night multiple times trying to fix it I even left him a voicemail.
He called me back he let me talk I said sorry multiple times to him .
I even told him that we can fix this misunderstanding .
That's were he let it out .
He said "No you assume to much and I don't like that. you don't trust me."
I told him I did trusted him. He kept refusing .
He asked me " Don't have those feeling for me no more that's not good "
I said you cant ask me to that I cant tell my hart what to do.
That whole conversation was a total mess going back-and-forth. He just pointing out my flaws
That I assume to much, I didn't trust him, I talk to much, because I cut him off and don't let him talk.
since that night we have not spoken he didn't call or text when my child had surgery done that following week . I have not texted him or call him either.
Have made no attempted what so ever.
I have been doing the PW on him. To make him realize that no one is PERFECT not even him, And of course to bring him back Because I fell in Love with him.
see and here is were I need the advice
I Have always given him gifts on his birthday or send a text. but when it's my birthday one time he didn't remember & second time he told me he was going to take me out for dinner .
And then told me that something came up and couldn't go.
1) See his Birthday is tomorrow May 10th. I don't know if i should him a Happy Birthday text?
Mothers day is coming up this Sunday (USA) and I dont know if i should wait for him to say something like" Happy Mothers day" and then tell him
Happy B-lated Birthday?
2) When doing the PW Since yesterday night while meditating I felt like my fingers tips moving kinda of jumping
has any one ever experience that ?
3) Also I having dreams about on ex boyfriend what does that mean too?
Than you !!! and Sorry the long story.
I hope to hear somebody.
Posted by MLK 5/09/2017 1:55 pm | #2 |
Hi! So I read your story and I honestly feel you should take a step back from him a little. I wouldn't text or call, I would wait for him to reach out. It doesn't mean you aren't going to be with him.....but Right now I think you are putting too much energy on the fact that you are in love with him.
Don't get me wrong, it's okay to be in love with him 😊 But you have to put yourself first. If he's not showing you respect (missing your bday. Etc.) it could be because he knows you will forgive him.
Raise your expectations, and he will have to act differently to meet those expectations. So focusing on yourself and being happy without him will cause him to make more of an effort. It's hard to explain, but it works!
I wish you luck😊😊😊
Posted by veromaysep 5/09/2017 11:42 pm | #3 |
Thank you !! For replying back to me.
Yes ! I totally agree with you . I haven't texted or call him since that day he want off on me. He sounded mad and upset. I didn't say anything i kept my calm and i tried to fix things. But he just kept refusing. His very stubborn. And yes actually my best friend told the same thing you said . He does that because he knows I would always forgive him. Or when he called i was always there to pick up his calls .
And no i will text him Happy Bday to him.
So that he can realize what he had.
Yes... i have tried and been trying not to think about him. And keep everything positive.
As I said i have been doing the PW on him. And I'm very positive it will work. I just have to be patient and believe.
Thank you once again!!