Cord Cutting

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Posted by DonnaM
6/25/2018 3:59 am

Morning. I had been in contact with my specific person and had asked Lanie and in the forum if I continue with the contact or go no contact while using the technique on him and I was advised to continue doing so. I then did Lanie's cord cutting mediation on Friday and then by the Saturday I was the one who has now stopped the contact and deleted him. And now I don't know what to do? I am surprised that I did that because it was the last thing I wanted to do at all.

Posted by DonnaM
6/25/2018 10:30 am

Yes I am aware that I posted on Friday and had a reply. But Lanie posts this on her blog about cord cutting

Once you cut the cord with your man you can work on him with "Pussy Whip" or "How to Make Him Burn With Desire" because YOU will control the relationship and him!

Maybe it is to remove the negative energy in the situation also. But that is why I am asking if the cord cutting meditation has led me to cut contact? I can't make sense of it either because it is the last thing that I wanted to happen.

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