So I've been doing PW and BWD for a little while now... I have faith that it's working ...he even texts me first sometimes now and about very personal things he says he isn't telling anyone else ... I can feel that he is on his way back all in good time... the only problem now is I ran into him at a mutual friends wedding and he was with another girl... I had only heard of her and seen pictures but she introduced herself to me so now that I met her it seems more real in my mind ya know .. also then I saw pictures of them together at another wedding recently.. it just breaks my heart, when we were together he was never invited with a plus one and now that he's with her he always is... it's so hard not to blame myself and feel inadequate next to her.. I had pictured it as just being a rebound that didn't mean anything but the more I see them together and hear about them from mutual friends the worse I feel and it's interfering with my ability to believe in the process and visualize him coming back to me ...if anyone has any advice I would appreciate it, I feel very stuck right now :/