Things heading in wrong direction

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Posted by jellyb
2/06/2017 12:59 pm

I know so many people have posted abkjt how to stay positive, and now it's my turn! My guy and I are in contact, when we first got back in touch he emailed me all the time and he replied quickly when I emailed him. Over the past several months, though, he's emailed less and less frequently and now I haven't heard from him in just over a month. This is the longest he's ever gone without emailing. I emailed him a few weeks ago to say hello but didn't hear back. I still do PW and BWD on him but I'm having a really hard time staying positive when on the surface, at least, things seem like they're getting worse. I don't know what other explanation there could be for him contacting me progressively less like this.

I hope my fear isn't manifesting as him drifting away but I'm not sure how to shift my thinking!

Posted by Evey2222
2/09/2017 10:12 am

Hey, I know what it feels like. But please don't panic! Just do things that make you happy and focus on yourself. If he doesn't contact, say in your mind "Well so what?" (I know it means everything but the more you detach yourself, the more you will feel better, and when you feel better and good about everything that is when things fall into place). You don't know what he could be going through, it might be nothing to do with you, he could be in a weird place! Just remember this is all about you and how you feel. 
At the end of the day, don't feel bad posting on this forum because this is what its here for, to support and help each other. If other people don't like that its being posted then they will have to lump it because there is nothing wrong with asking for help and advice, especially if you have no one else to talk to because not a lot of people believe in LOA! 

I hope this helped anyway, stay strong and positive. If you believe you will get your man!! xx

Posted by jellyb
2/09/2017 1:46 pm

Thank you SO MUCH for this, Evey, it's hugely helpful. Sometimes my brain spins so fast that it can't remember all the different logical reasons not to panic, and the reasons someone may not be in contact!  I know I have to work on detaching myself, so I'm going to do Lanie's meditations on this much more frequently from now on.

Thanks again!!

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