Posted by lildreamer ![]() 2/16/2017 5:19 pm | #1 |
Okay, I've been on and off with the PW and Burn because I still am pretty angry at my guy (been doing it since last May; with varied success because of my attitude and our long, bad history). I'm angry because he's not been a good father to our son since he moved away. He moved another woman in with him in November; was paying her way; but did not send our son a birthday or Christmas present; or even a card ( he pled poverty..he DOES pay my car payment since he's on the loan for it; so I can't say he does absolutely *nothing* for us). It's been very contentious between us. I do PW mostly now; because I am hoping to change that dynamic. I understand that this man may not be someone I want to continue concentrating on;but without getting into the WHOLE story; I have sat down with myself and decided that I still want to work on him some. It's just now been a year since we split up (very VERY badly!) and I assessed how I feel. I love his soul; who he is underneath all his BS;but I am VERY AWARE he has a LOT of BS (again;I'm aware that I'm affirming this. Just using this to explain how it's been so far). These days; when I do the PW I imagine that I am talking to his soul; his true self; instead of the person he pretends to be on the outside ( he is an alcoholic and has BPD ..and I also realize - before you say anything about that - that those things are also things I am reaffirming here; and I would like to say I'm just describing what I've already manifested. I'm aware of that; and of the fact I should move beyond them). At the least; I am hoping to manifest a better parenting relationship with him; even if my love is in vain and I'm being foolish still caring about him.
**I would like to take this time to say that I do NOT have large self-esteem problems. I am perfectly happy with who I am. I know I am attractive; worthy of good love and respect; and I am content alone right now. I don't chase after anyone; I take care of myself and my autistic son by myself every day. I am not longing after this man because I am being co-dependent or anything of that sort. I belong to several support groups and have a good network of wonderful friends. I just feel that this man is someone who is in my soul group. I feel that he was sent here to help me grow spiritually;by giving me lots to learn and to help me grow. But he was also my best friend.
Okay, here's the issue: After weeks of minimal (because of our son; I was not talking to him at all; I used texts if I needed to tell him something; he is blocked so he can't text me back. Blocked on social media and on the phone AND primary email) to no contact; he emailed me on our anniversary (Feb 7th) to beg me to call because of taxes. So I did,because I needed to make sure we were on the same page about them. He was EXTREMELY nice;and did not bring up the other woman at all. At the end of the call; he said "I love you with all my heart". I did not reply, but was friendly as I said goodbye. He has not said this to me in a YEAR.
Things got a little sour a few days later because he didn't do something for our son that I was expecting him to; and I sent him a firm and pissed off text about it. He did not email back or anything.
Then, on Valentine's Day; he posted a picture of him with balloons in a suit down on one knee with the other woman. I know this because a friend sent it to me today. However; according to one person who knows him; he swears he did NOT propose..he just wanted to make a very romantic gesture. And my friend says it does NOT say anything about engagement on his page or the pictures.
My question is this: I thought I manifested a good reaction with the phone call using PW; so how did THIS happen? I know I should just ignore it;and I'm going to;but I want to make sure I don't need to adjust my approach any more than I have already. And do you think he posted the pictures so that it would get back to me? In other words; how did the energy of the PW I'm doing result in him reacting like that?
One other note; I ONLY do the PW when I am not feeling angry at him. I only do it when I can feel loving towards him.I am also using the heart forgiveness meditation and the Ho'oponopono that I posted. If I am feeling angry and resentful; I forgo doing the PW at all, and wait until I've gotten into a better vibration.
Posted by Golden ![]() 2/16/2017 7:27 pm | #2 |
I know this isn't your main question but if I were you I'd ask that friend not to send you things about him on social media. How are you supposed to do what's best in this situation for yourself if you're thinking about what he's posting..? There isn't a way to do the technique wrong, (as long as you feel yourself connecting and you know it's working, don't worry about fixing it.) do you have any doubts? Are you too focused on the other woman? That could possibly be how this photo happened...but all of that really shouldn't matter. He's playing games.
When it comes to him, I'm not really sure how to say the right thing, because this seems like a very personal topic... I know the other ladies will have the right advice .
But it's very good that you have things going for you and that you don't seem to be dependent on him.
Just reading your story, it seems like there's a lot on your shoulders, & I hope you're taking time for yourself as well. 💛
Posted by Avaelle ![]() 2/20/2017 11:43 am | #3 |
I'd unblock him. That would be my start to maintaining a cordial relationship. I also wouldn't entertain friends that are running back and forth to tell me what was going on with a woman. He can become a good father and have a woman - one doesn't have to have anything to do with the other.