Having gone from the odd hey how are you message since October last year to an amazing conversation at the end of January where he spoke for ages and even mentioned saving for his visa and me jokingly saying come to my country with him replying yes I was thinking about that, I want to see there more than anything. I got a hey on valentines day but we are now back to the odd hey how are you which ends with him ignoring my message.
I haven't been doing as much PW, BWD etc on him as I used to, I have really scaled it back but have done two parts of the 3 week love spells. Could this be my PW etc hitting him and that's why he's pulling away again?
I've been practically buzzing with knowing he's coming back for a few months now with the odd off day but today for some reason i'm feeling quite low and try as I am I can't seem to pull myself up and feel like I'm fed up and tired of this yo-yoing!
Sorry everyone, i'm just having a moan and a vent and have no-one else to vent too. Heading off to the gym tonight to work through some of my frustrations and I will be back to myself in no time!