My true Desire - Success :)

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Posted by Evey2222
3/22/2017 4:42 am

Posted in Veronicas forum too, hope this is ok  

So, it was like I had a realisation this weekend, I woke up and realised that the guy I have been trying to attract back, hasn't been the one that I have wanted, I had made small manifestations but no contact from him. But I was hearing from my other guy all the time.

Long story short, he is in the army now, we broke up nearly a year ago, never really gone a whole month without contact because he can never leave me alone (not being big headed I just think he has just found it really hard to let go.) This guy was and still is the love of my life and I have been denying it so much and almost transferring it onto someone I dated for 6 weeks...There is no way I could be in love after 6 weeks, I'm just not wired that way. Anyway I asked the universe to clarify who I truly desire and who I should choose...well as I was in the shower, my phone went off and my love from the army popped up. If that isn't a clear cut sign then I don't know what is haha!

So anyway, I haven't actually done a lot of visualisation on him the last few months, but I noticed when I was thinking of the new guy, my mind always wondered to the army guy. So I really do think my true desire is with him.

The amazing thing is, I don't care if I get him back or not, i want to be happy with or without him, and I want him to be happy with or without me. I guess that was true unconditional love is! 

But the amount of success I have had with manifesting contact with him and even met up with him a few times.

I visualised and used PW but only thought of romantic loving scenarios in stead of sexual. I scripted, I even pretended to have conversations with my friends about us being together again and how he is now the man I have always dreamed of (When I was alone of course). 

So recently I had been affirming aloud that he loves me and only wants me, that he is committing to me and respects me, etc. I was doing it yesterday morning, and in the evening for the first time in a long time he was telling me how much he missed cuddling up next to me and that we had something. That he just cant commit right now, so I didn't freak out, as I feel a bit immune to everything he says to me now, i just said its a choice he makes but I understand..

We agreed to a fresh start, forgetting the past and being friends (for now) even though I know deep down we both want more. But I need to build a friendship and new relationship with him first before proper commitment. I want to do it properly this time other than rushing into things. 

But it does work and always works, if you set your mind to it, love yourself, make yourself happy, you can do this. If it comes from a place of desperation and neediness it will back fire. Trust me I have been there too!! I heard everything under the sun, he doesnt have feelings for me, he doesn't love me anymore, doesn't care, met someone new, blah blah blahhhh That is how I see it anyway. I just think yeah alright then dear, you keep telling yourself that hahaha! 

UPdate: I started the love spell on C (army guy) last night and whilst I was doing this the candle melted on this wooden heart plaque I put it on! Thought that was kinda intense lol!! Literally melted all over his sock and the heart and my wooden side table!! 

Hope this has encouraged people today. It can be done if you put your heart and mind to it all  xxx

Last edited by Evey2222 (4/03/2017 2:37 am)

Posted by emmiline
3/22/2017 4:46 am

This is very encouraging Evey, thanks for sharing! 

All advice given is intended in the best interest of whomever I may be replying to & my opinions may not necessarily reflect those of the wider community on the forum.

Posted by Evey2222
3/22/2017 5:47 am

Thanks! I thought if I posted it here as well it can encourage more as well  

Posted by dannie
3/22/2017 8:34 pm

Love it. Very encouraging for me. Thank you

Posted by eleven
3/22/2017 9:33 pm

Thanks for sharing xox

Posted by SapphireKitty
3/22/2017 10:31 pm

Aww! Thanks for sharing!!

Posted by Evey2222
3/23/2017 3:44 am

Thank you guys, he started saying the other day that we shouldn't have broken up and that we were really happy. He hasn't said something like that in nearly a year so I am so pleased! I know it is working :D! It's great though because I still don't feel attached to him, I have started the love spell on him and he has gone quiet on me but I am not panicking because I know deep down he wants to be with me.

I am so grateful to Lanie and her techniques, sometimes I feel like I can just close my eyes and do it for a couple minutes when I am busy and its still effective! I hope to write my full success story of being with my love and us working towards the future! x

Posted by Evey2222
3/27/2017 4:22 am

So C had been messaging me all weekend, kept being sexual, but I was really keeping my mind under control and whenever I had a bad thought I would change it to something else. I managed to manifest him coming to see me today before he drove back to the army. He came over, at first I said I didn't want to sleep with him and so we just put on a film and was laughing at it. We did however end up sleeping together, Its my fault though because I can't seem to resist him when he tries (very hard when your in love with someone) but I kept saying its not fair because you'll drop me as soon as you meet someone else and he said that he doesn't want to meet anyone else? 

Thing is I don't feel bad for doing it, I am a grown woman and can make my own choices, after we carried on watching the film. He seemed pretty sad leaving which was odd. Like he was late anyway but seemed very distant. He also said if he could have the mask that we got from Venice, we both had one and he said he wanted his one so I said to him I didn't think you even cared about that and he was like "of course I do". 

I am hoping that after seeing each other it is going to help him realise how much he has missed me and loves spending time with me, he kept saying he had missed 'this', and there is a certain thing I do in bed and I asked if he had done it with anyone else and he said no its only what he does with me? Which I found strange lol. The army has made him so cut off, but I love him unconditionally anyway and still have faith we will be together and happy soon. xx 

Posted by aligemini
3/27/2017 4:40 pm

So interesting to read. Keep us updated

Posted by Evey2222
3/28/2017 8:47 am

Thank you! I hope to update soon, still doing my visualising and everything, trying to keep faith and hope and not let my mind slip! xx 

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