Posted by Emmalee 11/04/2017 10:14 pm | #1 |
New here. Ok so I have read Lanies books and tried a to use this without success about a year ago. Eventually I gave up on LOA, because I had very little success.
Recently I have been thinking about trying to manifest things again but haven't really done anything to make it happen. I decided to try a "test" to help renew my faith that this kind of stuff DOES work. So I decided use her method to get a friend to text me. I chose one of my male platonic friends. For the record, we are both just friends, and that is all either one of us wants. Anyway. He recently got a new job and has been busy so we haven't talked in a few weeks so i figured this would be a good test since it's not like we text so regularly that I could write it off to coincidence. I was driving and very quickly did the visitations of him telling me he would text me to check in on me. About 30 mins later.... boom he texts me just to say hey and see how things are. I almost couldn't believe it was so easy!!
Now, if only I could get this to work so easily in other areas!
But just a lil proof for those of us who sometimes start to doubt. Thanks for reading