Posted by Emma 4/05/2018 5:32 am | #1 |
Tiny back story i was seeing my SP about 2 years ago, it ended because i was in a really bad/dark place, we got on really well, never fought and it never ended badly and have remained on good terms ever since. After we split up my SP told a mutual friend that he had wanted to help me but i wouldn't let him so he didn't know what to do and that it became hard work(if you knew the whole story you'd probably understand why i was being as i was). I bitterly regret that i hadn't dealt with prior issues so i could have been 100% focused on my SP, but having said that my SP has been the biggest blessing of my life and the kick up the ass i needed at the time, my family and friends are so grateful for what he did for me. Throughout the past 2 years we'd message each other every so often i'd say 95% of the time it would be me initiating it, we'd also speak if we see each other, then last year when i seen him on a few nights out on 2 occasions we did end up kissing so i feel there's still a physical connection. I'd been trying various ex back programmes but i feel they made me feel needy because i was so focused on not having him. Since being with my SP i've completely got myself together had grief counselling, i'm in the best health i've been in for years, previously i felt like i was merely existing in life but now i'm living my life making plans going out more, been on holidays booking concerts, just basically doing anything that makes me happy.
I'd tried various ex-back programmes etc so would contact my SP every so often to check in and try and initiate things. At the end of last year my friend told me to watch the Secret and since then i've been looking more and more into LOA thats when i found Lanie's website and books, i brought PW and then in January purchased the meditations and began these. I have not initiated any messages with my SP this year i've only been doing PW and Agnes's 3rd party meditation because of problems with his ex. I've began noticing changes though he's started including me in what i'm guessing are generic snapchats to his friends he hasn't been doing this since November last year(obviously i see his snapchat storys). A few weeks back i had problems with his ex which ended up in a physical fight between her and my cousin, my SP found out (he doesn't speak to ex) and he messaged me saying he felt bad about it and asked what his ex was playing at, we exchanged a couple of texts and that was it. I carried on with my evening and morning meditations. Last sunday i was going out with some friends i woke up on sunday morning did BWD, felt slightly connected, throughout the day i was thinking i hope i see my SP out that night, i began getting ready again thinking i hope i see him and the next thing i get a snapchat from my SP showing that he was staying in, i was a little disappointed but once ready i put a picture of me and my cousin on my snapchat story(i'm not a big fan of social media i try and keep my stuff private), i'm not a very confident person but thought it was a nice picture, obviously i could see that my SP had seen it. Lately i've been exhausted so on my evening meditations i've been falling asleep during the 3rd party one but i'll always start the day with a PW. Tuesday evening i was watching TV an advert came on for a pregnancy test in that instance my brain automaticlly switched and i imagined it was me and my SP it felt that real i got excitement butterflies in my stomach and even blurted it out. That evening i went to bed fell asleep during 3rd party but then woke at 4am, i felt like doing PW so did and then when i woke again in the morning i did it again, this time i felt connected, i imagined him saying how nice i looked sunday and that he was disappointed he wasn't out, i always imagine him saying other stuff more future based things, but i always imagine him saying he'll message me and then i reply saying 'message Em .....'. During Pw i had to tell him i had to go to work and that we'd said speak later then i kissed him goodbye, just as i'd do had he actually have been with me. I started getting ready for work, watched the Love Magnet EFT and then began listening to Lanie's ex-back subliminal(i do listen to this daily). Went to work, i was thinking about my SP but just random thoughts, my phone was on silent, the next thing i looked and HE'D MESSAGED ME, asking how i was and had i sorted things with his ex, i replied saying i was good asking how he was and that i'd told his ex that that things had to be dropped. He replied asking what was new with me etc so i told him about a few things i have planned etc and likewise he was telling me some of the stuff he had planned, we exchange 3 messages in the day then he messaged me again 9.11pm (which i think is a weird time). I feel like there's been a shift in me i was incredibly happy to receive his message and i want more than anything for us to get back together but when he text me yesterday it felt natural and a natural excitement, i wasn't feeling a neediness expectancy for him to reply nor was i worrying about how to reply to him to try and keep the texts going.Its hard to explain how natural it felt but my whole body filled with happiness, i'm not going to lie i did go to the bathroom and was jumping and fist punching the air with happiness, couldn't have exactly done that in an office full of people
I know its only a few texts but that morning during PW thats what i asked him to do, likewise i haven't been contacting him since last year i've only been doing PW he's been sending me more snapchats, so he must be feeling some connection right??!! Obviously a text is not my end goal, i want to be back in a relationship and have a future with him.
Can anyone suggest how to deepen my connection or how i can improve things?? I keep a daily journal and over the past 2 months i've noticed more changes with my SP, so feel the universe is definitely listening, 2 weeks ago i was actually reading my journal about some of the positive things i'd been noticing and at that very point he snapchat me. I was questioning things thinking they were coincidences but there's been to many lately so i truly believe somethings happening, what do you think??
I haven't told anyone about him snap chatting me or messaging me, other than you lovely ladies because i don't want to jinx my manifestation. Do you think things are heading the right way?
Today i feel so happy and contented because i'm trying to think of my end goal more rather than what happens in between if that makes sense
Sorry for the long message, the suns shining my heart feels full of love today so much love to you all <3 xxx
Last edited by Emma (4/05/2018 2:06 pm)
Posted by kiwi_gaoth 4/05/2018 6:40 am | #2 |
Hi Emma!
Loved your message, felt great to read about your successes!
I am not very expert in manifesting yet, so I can only contribute so much, but it does feel to me that things definitely are headed in the right way in your story, step by step I think the shift you felt in your mind probably has a lot to do with it, you seem to be more living knowing that you have it, and letting go of whatever else would be blocking the way - at least that's how it felt to me upon reading your post
Congrats for the messages!
And I totally get what you mean with the neediness feeling of "get your ex back", I noticed that it brings the same to me - whenever I let go for some days of meditations, then things naturally come back in a better place.
I have tried to use CTC a bit more, but I wonder what may trigger this otherwise?
What meditations do you do in the evening - only 3rd party, or do you use PW/BWD as well?
I also tend to fall asleep during meditations, when I feel tired I tried to create one on a more "neutral" background music (actually a subliminal on youtube which has nice rain/forest sounds over it), and tried to bring myself in a relaxed state a bit faster than using Lanie's mp3 - otherwise I never make it to the actual discussion part hahaha
Do you also script in your journal? I was considering that (but would be super scared of someone finding it haha), but haven't tried yet. Very tempted to start "normal" journaling though, to log in a bit the nice small things of my day and practice gratitude
In any case, thank you for sharing! Can't wait to read about your new future successes
And thank you for the love!
Posted by Emma 4/06/2018 6:43 am | #3 |
Thank you for your reply kiwi_gaoth
There's definitely been a shift in my mind over the past couple of weeks, a couple of weeks back i was so upset and stressed about my SP's ex and the trouble i was getting from her but now i feel some kind of peace. Also I've been watching youtube videos and reading posts on here and other forums about focusing on the end and ignoring the current situation, I think this is helping me massively.
I haven't tried CTC, i don't know why but i was always a bit worried about doing this one. Is this working for you?
I start my day with PW, during the day i'll listen to Lanie's ex back subliminal, goddess and others if i have time, then before bed i do Agnes's 3rd party and then PW, i do sometimes swap PW with BWD. I do sometimes do the love magnet EFT i do like that, i feel that helps me with my confidence.
No i've only done one script but i am going to try scripting, the one scripting i did do it felt really nice writing it so i want to do some more. To be honest i've been really busy with work etc so i've been exhausted and haven't been concentrating on my manifesting as much as i'd have liked. In my journal i just write down what meditations i've done that day, how i felt i.e connected, any contact from my SP messages and any signs i've noticed i.e i kept hearing and seeing his name alot in various places and quite a few other things were happening too that resinante so much. I also include any relevant dreams i've had that night. When i actually read my journal with what's been happening lately it makes me happy and think it can't be all coincidences then i believe in what i'm doing. I'm also thinking of doing a gratitude journal and a money one, i've seen another LOA youtuber talk about journals and she has several and i thought it was a good idea.
Another thing: I needed a new car my old one had done 216k miles and kept braking down i knew the make of car i wanted but was hesitant because it was a more premium make than my last car so i did what the secret said to do went and test drove this make of car, i'm a bit superstitious as i drove out of the forecourt there were 2 magpies so i took this to be my sign. I started looking the end of last year on 06th January i sent my Dad a picture of a car and said that's what i want, we started looking but the ones we found either didn't look exactly how i wanted, mileage too high or was an automatic and i wanted manual, beginning of Feb we went to a garage seen one that was near enough the spec i wanted but because it wasn't exactly how i wanted it i was already thinking of changing things on it, as we left the garage something didn't feel exactly right. Literally 2 days later my Dad rang me he'd looked on a dealers website and found a car that was the exact spec i wanted, low mileage and newer than the car i was looking at 2 days earlier, i went back and checked the photo i'd sent my dad in January and they were identical, could literally have been the same car. I bought the car, the day i picked it up i put a pic of it on my snapchat story and my SP was the first to see it. Then in my PW i started saying to my SP 'tell Em you like her car', a couple of weeks later i get a generic snapchat from my SP his work had been called off due to weather, i don't normally reply to the snapchats, but this day i did and he replied saying other stuff but also said 'I like your car its really smart' and that i deserved a treat. Again this is something i'd asked him to say in my PW.
All the positive things i'm noticing lately are making me so happy but i'm trying not to let it distract me from my end goal, i love the messages but i'm going to love the feeling of being back together more.
I have a feeling at the moment i'm blocking anything further with resistance because of my appearance insecurties so i'm definitely going to be working on this and giving my head a good wobble about it
Much love you all <3 xxxx
Last edited by Emma (4/06/2018 6:46 am)
Posted by kiwi_gaoth 4/09/2018 11:31 am | #4 |
Hi there!
Great to hear about the shift in your mindset! I love to do EFTs too, especially the Love Magnet, or Amazing Day, or Release your inner Badass... I feel Brad Yates as a very warming voice and friendly appearance, I always end up smiling back when he smiles in the videos, definitely feel always calmer and happy after some of his videos
Have you his visualization/meditation too? It is about sending out love (to the world in general), and lasts only about 10min, but I find it really nice, makes me feel awesome and my heart full of love afterwards.
For CTC, I may be able to understand your worry, I was at the beginning a bit wondering if it might impact the connection with my POI despite the information from Lanie that it is completely ok.
But reading about it more on forums, and also considering that in the end, your mind has the power of creation, it has only the impact you give it - it cannot do harm if you see it as a way to only take back these feelings of neediness. I usually like to see it as taking back the impact of the nagging thoughts that may be popping into my head if I think too much of him, of canceling these "neediness" waves if I felt I sent some, and just leaving him with loving thoughts, and fondness for me when I release him.
I find that it does help a lot, I am usually more at peace afterwards, and he doesn't jump so much into my thoughts. Not like I don't have anymore feelings or anything, just simply I don't feel this feeling of lack or his absence like before the meditation. And to my understanding, that helps on their side to give more space between you for him to actually feel your absence and miss you more - if you are not constantly focusing on him, then he doesn't feel like he has your constant attention, and therefore can miss you more. Does that make sense?
I like your idea of journaling, that actually sounds really nice! I think I'll give it a try too, to keep track of the little attentions and positive things that make me happy about our connection - as long as it doesn't make me again too focused on him either. I think it is a great way to shift your mind focusing only on the positive, and a great way to lift yourself up when you may hit a moment of doubt (I suppose we all have)! For your feedback it seems indeed to work, so I will definitely push this forward too Like a combo with a gratitude journal maybe?
And awesome story for your car! You definitely manifested it I'm sure, that's a very inspiring success story there
Can only wish you the best for dropping your insecurities soon - self-love, self-love, self-love, that's all what we want, right?
Can't wait to read your progress with your POI!
Good luck, you are doing an amazing job