He came to see me <3

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Posted by Emma
8/17/2018 6:08 am

Wednesday afternoon whilst on my lunch break i decided to do PW, I felt so connected to my SP my heart area was so full of love, it was great, i imagined him sitting in my kitchen on my kitchen stools.

I haven't seen my SP in person since Christmas although we have exchanged the odd texts and snapchats over the past few months, I've been having a tough time the past few months, a friend passed away and other family problems, but it always seems to be that i hear from my SP when i'm upset and to be honest at these times he's the one person i want to hear from so that gives me a boost. I was working from home yesterday(Thursday) and he messages me asking if i was working from home and then says he's working near my house and could he call by for a cuppa, i was sooooooooo happy. He called by and it was just so natural and boy do i love him, he sat on the stools in the kitchen, he didn't say what i'd asked him to in my PW, but i was babysitting my niece so she was talking to him and in and out the kitchen. We just ended up having a general gossip, he couldn't stay long only about 30-45mins because he was in his works van and that has a tracker on it(which i know because my Dad works for the same company). I know you'll shout at me but because of the family drama's this week, i hadn't slept very well the night before and because it was such short notice i feel i looked ugly and i wanted the first time i saw him for him to think how good i looked, but i know thats my own limiting beliefs. He kept looking at me in a weird way almost like he wanted to say something. As he went i said it was nice to see him and that he should call by more often, he said he's working locally more often so will do.

I'd really appreciate any advice on how i can push it forward more with him, everytime i see and hear from him it reaffirms how much i love and want to be with him, there's definitely a connection between us.

Much love to you all


Posted by Flower293
8/17/2018 7:11 am

Another success story...love them 😍
Thanks Emma for sharing. Enjoy the unfolding  (wink) (grin)
Much love 😊 x

Posted by Emma
8/19/2018 4:23 pm

Samarkande2 wrote:

Lucky you! A little BWD couldn't hurt could it?

Thank you for the advice. Some of my PW's lately have been turning into BWD, so i was thinking of using this a bit more, he's obviously feeling it and he is a very affectionate person by nature anyway

Posted by Emma
8/19/2018 4:34 pm

Flower293 wrote:

Another success story...love them 😍
Thanks Emma for sharing. Enjoy the unfolding (wink) (grin)
Much love 😊 x

Thank you, have to admit i'm still smiling but also it feels really natural. I'm wondering if he'd have said more to me if my niece wasn't with me but it was lovely seeing him chat to her. I'm going to concentrate on my self love now and PW/BWD because i know he's feeling it.
Much love xxx

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