I just finished reading Manifesting Love. Definitely a great read! Lanie mentions the “secret technique” in her book and talks about it in the last chapter, however it doesn’t seem clear to me what exactly it is, the steps to do it, etc. I downloaded the three accompanying meditations from the website (I’ve done the first one so far) but not really finding anything on the “secret technique”. Anyone have an idea where to direct me?
Overall I have a lot of faith in general. I met someone a couple of months ago at a work related event who really caught my eye. The very next day he also randomly popped in one of the locations I was working at that day and we talked again. Ever since then he has been on my mind and I’m very interested in him and seeing where it goes. Because I’ve been doing a lot of inner work lately, self love, taking care of myself, and not being attached to the outcome (I’ve made it a point to try to date around to lessen the attachment to outcome), I feel like things are beginning to take shape. I’ve yet to see him again since I was transferred to a location an hour away, though a few of my good friends actually work with him, so it’s definitely possible. Turns out his roommate took a liking to me when she met me last month and she’s been slowly yet surely initiating a friendship with me. I feel like things are slowly aligning and I should hopefully see him again in two weeks at a company gathering. That said, I’d like to figure out this “secret technique” though I feel the meditation and the EFT activity will also serve me well.