Posted by Cotton ![]() 6/27/2016 7:36 am | #1 |
Ill start
"Neville: My dear, I believe in being as specific as one can be. I just knew what I wanted so often on certain things, and wanted it in detail, and got it. If man cannot be that specific, all well and good. Take an end, an over-all end. But if you really are specific, God is very definite. Outline is perfect in God’s world. Look at the thumbprint. Not only a man’s thumbprint differs from all thumbprints, but his odor − or the bloodhound couldn’t find you. Just imagine three and a half billion of us, and no two have the identical odor. No two have the same sound to their voice – similar but not identical. See it on the tape as you speak, and that vibration will record it. You cannot reproduce it. Similar? Yes. No two – you are so unique. You are the only one; therefore you cannot be replaced. [Transcriber: Completed from my notes; tape ran out at this point] There is no one in all eternity that can replace you. That is why you have to be saved, or the Living Temple cannot be completed. You are a stone in this living temple. God was very specific when he made you the unique being that you are.
I will not be “lost in the crowd” for the simple reason that God did not lose me in the crowd. I am individualized, and I tend forever and ever towards greater individualization."
Posted by Cotton ![]() 6/27/2016 7:40 am | #2 |
"You want to be happily married. All right, go to the end. You are happily married. Then let him come, clothed in all that it takes to be happy in your world. He doesn’t have to be some matinee idol. What’s their so-called world? They divorce one after the other anyway, so what does that do to the girl? Or she to him? So that’s not what you really want. You want something that is a man. He comes home; the house is full. When he comes home and you aren’t there, the house is empty. I know that’s what I would like, and I have that. If I come home and Bill is not home, even if I have friends at home (I may have a party going on, a cocktail party, ten people, twelve) …“Where’s Bill?” “Well, she isn’t here.” You know, the whole thing is empty until she comes. And if she goes out and says, “I’ll be back at five,” and she isn’t there at five, but she comes back at six – well, between five and six I am not myself. Where is she? Everyone should have that sort of relationship. The house is empty when the mate isn’t there, male or female. If I could come home and it didn’t matter whether she was there or not, what on earth am I doing being married? If she isn’t there and it makes no difference to me whether she is or not, well, then, that’s not marriage. The house must be empty when she isn’t there, or you aren’t there. If I knew, in her heart, that I could go and come when I wanted and she wasn’t concerned – oh, that’s not my wife! I know I’ve got to depart someday and leave her behind me, or she goes and leaves me behind. That, I know, is inevitable. But while we are together, I want it to be so that the house is empty if the other one isn’t there. And I’m selfish enough to want her to feel the same way.
Posted by Cotton ![]() 6/27/2016 7:47 am | #3 |
"It seems insane on a certain level, but I am telling you what I know from experience, and just as God impregnates the dead on a higher level, you can impregnate a dead state on this level. Think of a state and you are its spectator. And the state will remain dead relative to you until you penetrate it, until you approach it on your fiery chariot of imaginative power. An egg, whether it be human or that of a chicken, is dead and will remain so forever until the sperm penetrates it. The sperm must penetrate and occupy the egg in order to fertilize it, and then in its own given time the shell is broken and out comes that which was the sperm that penetrated it.
A state is penetrated through the act of assumption. Assuming you are now in the state you want to externalize, you think from it and no longer of it. Thinking from, you have penetrated the state. This penetration is still the mystery of all mysteries. Man has discovered how to go to the moon, place cameras in space, yet no matter what he knows concerning the mysteries of the universe, man cannot understand how an egg can be penetrated without a hole either before or after penetration. Well, your imagination is that sperm. You do not have to open doors to get into any room; you simply enter by assuming you are in it. Look at the world from it and feel what you want to feel, and the room has been penetrated. Now remain there until you feel relief. Of all the pleasures of the world, relief is the most keenly felt. So when you enter into (penetrate) a desire, remain there until satisfaction is felt, until you have expelled the sperm right into the state"
Posted by Cotton ![]() 6/27/2016 7:53 am | #4 |
"Now let me come back to this level and show you how to go about realizing your objectives. What you want, be it health, wealth, or fame, is only a state. Think of the state as an egg containing everything necessary to externalize itself, but dead and must be penetrated and fertilized in order to break the shell and become what the world calls reality. Let me illustrate. As I stand here before you, I desire and will assume that I am in San Francisco, approximately 500 miles from here. (I think I know this city well, but I don’t have to know a city in order to assume a state.) Putting myself in a familiar hotel lobby, I sit there and think of the world relative to the lobby in which I am now seated. While I am here I feel its reality; I feel the satisfaction of being here, the very place I wanted to be. The moment I feel the relief of being here, I have released the necessary sperm, or energy, into that dead state. Then I return to Los Angeles, but in that short period of time I have gone and prepared the experience. Now I will move across a bridge of events which will compel me to go to San Francisco. I may have no desire to go, but I will; for I have prepared the place, occupied it, and although I returned to where I was and later may resist the going, I cannot stop it, for I have created it and I will fulfill what I have done.
Now you can do this with everything. An objective, a desire, is an egg, which you can penetrate and occupy. You can move right into it and view the world from it. Don’t think of it; view the world from it, which implies that you are in it. Then feel the relief, the satisfaction, of being there. Do this and no power in the world can stop you from realizing that state. You may regret what you did, but you will fulfill it anyway. Learn your lesson and try not to do that which you do not want to experience in the future."
Posted by Cotton ![]() 6/27/2016 7:56 am | #5 |
"This principle can be used in a destructive or constructive way. You can say: “I remember when this was a glorious building and look at it now” as you become aware of rubble where once a glorious building stood. Or you can stand on rubble and say: “I remember when this was all rubble,” as you imagine a glorious building. You can say: “I remember when my friend had nothing and now he has much,” or: “I remember when he had much and now he is so poor.” You can say: “I remember when she was healthy,” which could imply she is now ill, or “I remember when they were unknown,” implying they are now famous. So you see what power was in that revelation. It’s entirely up to you how you use your imagination, but the operation of your creative power is completely up to you. You make the decision, and are therefore responsible for its effect on the world."
Posted by Cotton ![]() 6/27/2016 7:59 am | #6 |
"Look at yourself in the mirror and dare to see radiant health and happiness reflected back to you. Then say within yourself: ‘I remember when my reflection was so different.”
Persist in seeing your new image reflected there and you will resurrect that state. Your image, your concept of yourself or of another , is in your own wonderful human imagination who is Christ and Christ is the only God. God the Father and Christ your creative power are the same being, therefore he has never left you!"
Posted by Cotton ![]() 6/27/2016 8:02 am | #7 |
"Take what I have told you this night to heart and put it to the extreme test in this world of Caesar. There is no limit to your creative power. Simply stand on your new belief and say to yourself: I remember when. See what you want to see in your mind’s eye in place of what you see on the outside.
May I urge you to always use your power in a loving way, for it can be used unlovingly with the same results. It is possible to take a business that belongs to another and tear it down. This is done many times unwittingly, but the effect is the same."
Posted by Cotton ![]() 6/27/2016 8:05 am | #8 |
"The key is this: While in a state you no longer desire to express, you must move inwardly by claiming: ‘I remember when I was in a state I did not like.” If you can remember it you are no longer in it. Instead you are becoming aware of your new state as a present objective fact. And if you will remain faithful to your new awareness, it will crystallize. You will find yourself moving across a series of events which will lead you to the fulfillment of your desired state. How it will come about I do not know. I only know it will unfold.
Start now to remember when your friend wasn’t well by imagining he is healthy. Remember when your daughter was single by imagining she is married. Go through life remembering when. Haven’t you heard people say: ‘Who does he think he is? I remember when he had nothing and was a nobody!” Now, you may have heard a little jealousy in their tone and that is good because envy adds fire to the statement, which causes the one spoken of to have more! He may never know who caused his success, but it was done by an act of remembrance with intensity."
Posted by Cotton ![]() 6/27/2016 8:07 am | #9 |
"Those who love you will empathize. Those who do not will show envy. If you see envy don’t try to change it, for their envy will become a resisting force which will help you move forward. Everything needs resistance in order to move. I couldn’t leave this platform without it.
You couldn’t drive your car without resistance, so if you discover one who desires to play the part of envy, let him play it. Dare to assume you are the one you really want to be. Use your same circle of friends, but this time see them from a different angle. Observe their faces and listen to their whispers as they look at the new you and remember when"
Posted by Cotton ![]() 6/27/2016 8:11 am | #10 |
"Although your power here is like a little firecracker compared to your real power, when you know what you want and believe you have it, your power of belief will make it so. Construct a scene which implies the fulfillment of your desire. Give it all of the sensory vividness you are capable of giving, and rest in the knowledge that its implication is the power to bring your desire into your world.
You don’t have to be a brilliant scholar to use your creative power. In fact, the more brilliant you are, the less you are likely to try it. The so-called brilliant mind believes only in that which is physical and visible, and therefore does not believe a desire can be fulfilled by a simple imaginal act."