Hey, I just have to share something that I didn't have time to yesterday.
Now, I have a lot of guys with whom things ended badly. A guy from India that I'd met on Tinder, for example. We'd had awesome chats, but then when things got kinda sexual, they just continued being that way, and I felt that that was all he wanted. Like he was just trying to get me to send nudes at a point where I wasn't comfortable with it (I barely knew the guy!) So, I ended things with him (it didn't seem like he was interested in talking/FaceTime-ing) and said "I just don't feel like you're interested in me, as a person." He wasn't happy, to say the least, but I rolled my eyes, complained to my friends about him, and moved on.
I archived the chat, and sometimes when I'd see it pop up I'd think "How cool would it be if he contacted me again?" Sometimes I felt like I knew he would, other times I thought "he's such a charmer, he definitely has someone else now." But I PW'd him, imagined him saying he was sorry and really wants to get to know me, etc. Not on a schedule, just every time he popped into my mind.
Wellllll... yesterday in class he sent me a message! This is from APRIL that things ended! I was really mean to him at first, and accused him of just wanting sex. He said "see, you always assumed that about me. I really wanted to FaceTime with you but you just disappeared because you think that's all I want." At this point I realized: The Universe is giving me the *perfect* opportunity to decide the belief I want to have about men. I could decide he's lying, or I could decide he's being genuine. So I picked the latter and now we're back to chatting! He's not *the* guy I want, but it's great proof that my world is shifting. By deciding that men want love, and that they respect me, I'm getting more and more signs each day.
I'm getting male feminists following me on Twitter, which is absolutely amazing, seeing as Twitter was the place that decreased my faith in men. But there they are, defending women, defending women of COLOUR too. And the one is really attractive It's amazing.
This is a great thing we're doing, ladies. And I feel like this guy marks the start of amazing returns into my love life ;)
Have a lovely day, beautifuls xx