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9/21/2016 9:20 am  #41

Re: Woke up, need help

ThisIsMyUsername wrote:

Em wrote:

I think we are wasting our own energy here. Like I said we are all here for you TIMU but you keep going round and round in circles. Please remember people are in similar situations (if not worse) than your own and are also trying to progress in their own journey.

Have you ever been through Cognitive Behavioural Therapy? You are obsessed and it would probably help greatly to reduce your anxieties.

Worse? There's a limit. She wants nothing to do with me, hates me most likely, and she has completely, COMPLETELY moved on. She says she has NO ROMANTIC FEELINGS FOR ME AND NO ATTRACTION. PHYSICALLY OR EMOTIONALLY. AND THAT WE WILL NEVER EVER EVER BE TOGETHER. The worst part? SHE MEANS IT AND IT'S VERY OBVIOUS SHE MEANS ALL OF THAT!!!!!!!

How the hell can it get worse than that?!?! I'm not saying "hopeless" just to be a little bitch about it. I'm saying "hopeless because it's HOPELESS. 


How could it get any worse than this?!!?!?!?! Why would things change?!?!!? There is no logical reason as to why she'd EVER WANT TO GET BACK WITH ME IF SHE SAYS AND MEANS WHAT SHE'S SAID

I may have... I can't even remember anymore. I feel like I'm going insane. In the past I have tried to sleep to calm my worries and my frustrations, but sleeping just makes me wake up scared and anxious. Nothing soothes this! I can't do it. I can't take it, and this life is destroying me.

I'm sorry for being so over the edge here. I'm in a mood and I just cannot see ANY WORLD in which, after saying AND MEANING WHAT SHE'S SAID, that she'd ever come back. If you were in her shoes, why the hell would you ever come back to me after saying AND MEANING those things?! I feel like I'm just holding onto false hopel.

A simple question:

Why would you want to be with a person who desn´t want to be with you? 
Why is this girl soooooooooooooo wonderful?
She is just a human being, and you are giving her the power to destroy you. You see her like a goddess of some kind.. She is the goddess, you are her slave, her servant. That´s not a relationship. That´s not love. 
Once again: Your only love should be you and only you!!!
If she doesn´t have feelings for you, CHANGE, because she´s not in love with the person you are NOW. But she could fall in love with the new you. The thing is, you are the same person, you don´t change, you don´t want to change, you don´t want to man up, and fix yourself. 
Women want men who can control their emotions and their lives. We don´t want a man who behaves like a little child. We want to be protected. Right now, you are not boyfriend material or husband material. You could be, if you want to. 
I recommed you to watch all the Rocky movies. 

He is on his way. It is inevitable. 

9/21/2016 10:47 am  #42

Re: Woke up, need help

Basilily wrote:

Em raised a very important question - what do you expect people here to do?
Everything has been said. You have been consoled and re-assured so many times.
What else can anyone do?
I agree with the suggestion you stop focusing/reading and listening to "get your ex back" things, and listen to stories where ppl turned their life around from much deeper sh&t,like terminal illness, loss of a child and such, because frankly your issue is not this girl. It runs way deeper, and way more back than this girl. I honestly and wholeheartedly believe that letting go of this "hope" is the best thing you can do fo yourself. This "hope" keeps you stuck in this mad loop. 

And dont be so quick to assume you have had it the worst, that is very presumptious. Just because we havent shared every mean/loveless thing we heard from our loved ones doesnt mean we havent experienced it.

Amen to that ! Completely agree.

If you believe in the LOA start living it. If not, stop saying "what if it doesnt work and I m wasting my time on this and lose her".. Start focussing and acting like you would do without LOA. Start begging, calling non stop, crying, not going out of the house.. Do you think that would be a better option? Do you get her back if you act like that? stop saying on a LOA forum that it doesnt work if you not commit and believe it truely Yourself. If you are looking for get your ex Back tips outside of LOA go to:  (spoiler alert: NC is a big part of this too)

Work on yourself, with or without your believe in LOA. Bevond the best version of yourself, and she Will notice that too

9/21/2016 11:57 am  #43

Re: Woke up, need help

if it's really making you feel this bad to continue trying then why don't you stop trying? at least just for a little while?

9/21/2016 3:28 pm  #44

Re: Woke up, need help

Read this link that I think I got from OasisCalm's post

Also, don't know if you have a job or not but if you are at home all day go out for a long walk. Don't sit at home. Even if you can rent a car or call a cab to take you somewhere. Plan a vacation to clear your mind. Do something...just stop creating your negative reality.
Listen to motivational videos on YouTube, do meditation to help yourself or whatever you need but please just stop being your worst enemy!

9/22/2016 2:54 am  #45

Re: Woke up, need help

I really appreciate the help guys, thank you. 

For anyone with anxiety or whatever... I get this feeling like I'm losing my mind. Like... I have no motivation and no direction in life. And it feels hopeless - like, my life does. if that makes sense. I get this almost burning senstion in my stomahc.... and that feeling gives me a weird sense of dread or death. I know this isn't a forum for this, but I'm asking brcause I can't stand this feeling anymore it's going to drive me to go insane or jump off a brige - does anybody know what this feeling is? and how to fix it? Thank you.

I just feel so broken. I want you all to know that I do listen to everyone on here. I guess I just have a hard time believing in this stuff becauase my fears get in the way and tell me, "well, what if you're wrong? What if you're just wasting time you could be using to make amends with her and be with her? What if you're just destroying any chance you had?"

I just woke up again - 4am. wow, With this anxiety. 
I do stay inside all day and usually in bed. I don't really have friends anymore. That was my bad. I've gotten to the point where I'd feel uncomfortable hanging out with anyone but her. I don't know why. It just would make me anxious to hang out with someone. It's as if I'd get this feeling of anxiety from it. Almost as if I'd be hanging out with druggies or somthing. No idea why. I don't have money, nor a way to get out of the house, but I know I can't stay like this another day. It really is killing me.

I want to sort out my feeligs and my mind and my blockings and I want this severe depression and anxiety to go away. I want to feel better. And I've done research, and I honestly don't know how to feel better. My parents are pushing me to search for a job, and that'd just add  stress... I just... I don't know how to feel better. And I want to feel better. Not only so I can attract her back, but so I can get ME back too. I feel nuts and its killing me.

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9/22/2016 2:59 am  #46

Re: Woke up, need help

And I can't explain it, but I can't "stop trying". Even if I wanted to. I've definitely tried to do that, I've tried to move on, but I get this severe sense of dread when I think those ways. And even when I don't get that feeling (which are rare times when thinking about moving on...) I can't bring myself to move on. I honestly don't know how to. I try to remind myself, "dude. She's treated you like this. You deserve better. Just find someone who's awesome, c'mon man." and even if I try... I can't explain it... I just can't begin to move on. It's like I literally emotionally and physically don't want to, and can't. I want to hold onto the hope that she'll come back. I've never felt this before. With my last girl I just said, "fuck it. I can do better, if shes going to be like this" and moved on. What the fuck is wrong with me? 

I literally cannot move on nor move forward. Like, I literally cannot. It's not stubbornness. It's like there's something in the way, blocking me. I literally can't move forward. Just the thought of moving on and not being with her makes me feel like throwing up due to anxiety.

I just want to wake up and feel sane for once, and I want her by my side and I want to feel okay again. And honestly, guys, I don't know how to feel better. That may be my problem. And it's slowly driving me insane, I feel.

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9/22/2016 4:40 am  #47

Re: Woke up, need help

Can you get your girl back? YES ABSOLUTELY
Can you get her back with how your feeling/acting now? NO

I know you've been told this a thousand times and believe me people can give you the BEST advice until they are blue in the face but until you are ready it's all just words on a screen, I've been there constantly searching for that one thing,that one advice that says of course he's coming back all you have to do is write it down make a wish and tomorrow all your dreams will happen.and yes in a way it is that simple but you have to believe and I mean absolutely 100% believe. Get that feeling deep inside you and then carry on with life.
So yes she is coming back but now here is your part in it,if she knocked on your door right now what would you have to tell her?what would she see?the same old you who has put his life on hold just waiting for her to come back or someone new and changed for the better,maybe you've totally redecorated your room,you've been out walking and saw some dear/squirrels, found a birds nest hidden somewhere only you know,you have a job interview,you've started volunteering, started a college course.
Which sounds more fun?
I went back to an ex because I thought he was the One for me and absolutely nothing in his life had changed in 3 years I hadn't seen him and I was so disappointed.

Start today,do something nice for someone else (NOT HER THO!!) take your neighbours bin out,donate something to charity, smile at someone, say thankyou and really mean it.start with one thing a day and see how you feel,don't give up this is the start of your change.if you see something that reminds you of her or makes you smile,take it and run with it as your on the right track just don't obsess over it and think ohhh she had a jacket like that I miss her,think oh look how cool is that a jacket like hers and smile.
The law of attraction is like attracts like and what you give you receive.
What works for one doesn't always work for another so find what works for you and build on it, but aslong as you belive 100% that she's coming back and start to sort yourself out then your already on your way.
Dark thoughts will come but it's for you to work through them and not let them beat you.
If loa didn't work then why is there 1000s of books and can do this,we all can do this but until your ready all this is just words.
I hope non of this offends you but I see so many of your posts and I truely want you to succeed like all of us on here

9/22/2016 4:44 am  #48

Re: Woke up, need help

Have you thought of discussing your feelings with your parents? I think you need to get some help. I understand the panic that comes from wanting someone and they aren't in contact and maybe want someone else. I have that also and jealousy that can drive you crazy - I wrote about it in this forum.
I am with a broken hand and things with my hand aren't looking so hot so in addition to be down about that I have more time to think about my guy. So, I know what plenty of free time is like. However, we need to pull ourselves together. Your girl or my guy won't take care of us right now. They continue with their lives while we are at home thinking about guy for the past 2 weeks hasn't been in contact to ask how my hand is and that sucks.

Look, I know that you are in a situation where you feel like you can't help yourself and a big part of the problem is that you have too much alone time with yourself and besides this forum sounds like you don't have anyone to talk to about it. That is why I think that it is important that you get your parents involved and let them know what you are going through. Don't know your parents but the fact that they want you to get a job sounds like they care about you so speak to them.

9/22/2016 6:54 am  #49

Re: Woke up, need help

Thanks guys.... I can't rely on my parents. It's always, "Go make an appointment with your therapist" or "talk to your therapist"... or "take your meds". They say all of that shit while they sit on their damn sofa watching the television. They're never there for me to put their arm around me, tell me everything's gonna be okay. They're just ... not there for me. When I said I have nobody there for me, I meant that sincerely and literally, with the exception of this forum. 

I appreciate the help guys. I just can't do anythign. 

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9/22/2016 7:06 am  #50

Re: Woke up, need help


Last edited by Sam (12/06/2016 4:00 pm)

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