Sooo after my guy rejected me in a very stupid way last sunday I'm focusing on making myself happy, being grateful about a lot of things, writing my daily journal (of how wonderful my day was and how nicely he treats me :-) ) and do some PW and RS when I'm in the mood but not with pressure anymore.
So yesterday I went to the movies with a buddy of me. My guy hated this boy in the past so much because he knew that my friend always wanted to sleep with me eventhough I never would do this. Well I posted this in facebook to let my guy see HA! Look I try to move on and other guys are interested in me as well... Well I thought he would just be jealous and be secretly angry but you know what he did???? HE LIKED THE POST -.-.... WTF?
Honestly I should be shocked and hurt about that but I'm not so much. Luckily I watched the video 'Bashar Circumstances Don't Matter' yesterday and it was the perfect time lol. I don't believe him that he isn't jealous at all. But if he would admit that he would admit that he misses already and he's way too proud atm to do that. But I know deep inside its just a matter of time until he's coming back. No other girl could ever gave him what I gave him or could replace me. SOOOO CIRCUMSTANCES DON'T MATTER :-)
I'm still focusing on the end result and try to be positive
Good attitude! Love the circumstances don't matter video. The future is yours
lalalovely wrote:
Good attitude! Love the circumstances don't matter video. The future is yours
Thanks ))! I'm trying my best! It's crazy maybe naive?! Lol but something in me tells me everything will be fine and this is just the ECHO of the past and now that I'm focusing on my reality it will change to my happy end
I loved the video too. Really everyone should watch it <3
MadMoiselle87 wrote:
lalalovely wrote:
Good attitude! Love the circumstances don't matter video. The future is yours
))! I'm trying my best! It's crazy maybe naive?! Lol but something in me tells me everything will be fine and this is just the ECHO of the past and now that I'm focusing on my reality it will change to my happy end
I loved the video too. Really everyone should watch it <3
I have exactly the same feeling about my situation. My gut tells me we still have the same strong connection and end up together. He is my love, my man.
lalalovely wrote:
MadMoiselle87 wrote:
lalalovely wrote:
Good attitude! Love the circumstances don't matter video. The future is yours
))! I'm trying my best! It's crazy maybe naive?! Lol but something in me tells me everything will be fine and this is just the ECHO of the past and now that I'm focusing on my reality it will change to my happy end
I loved the video too. Really everyone should watch it <3I have exactly the same feeling about my situation. My gut tells me we still have the same strong connection and end up together. He is my love, my man.
Yeah I think so too ! We'll get what we want no we have everything we want already and enjoy our life with our loves 😍
Oasiscalm wrote:
How do u know he was being petty and sarcastic?
Do you know what he felt?
So you mean that's a possibility? I was just a bit disappointed because I thought if he doesn't even care when I'm going to the movies with a guy he used to be jealous at then maybe he really doesn't care anymore ...
But yeah as I wrote I still try to focus on the end result
One time a woman commented something on one of my bf's posts and I didn't like it. You know what I did? I liked the post and the comment just to let him know that I saw it. And I was jealous as hell. So Facebook is a silly game and a relationship killer.
Jim Chien Beige wrote:
One time a woman commented something on one of my bf's posts and I didn't like it. You know what I did? I liked the post and the comment just to let him know that I saw it. And I was jealous as hell. So Facebook is a silly game and a relationship killer.
You're so right. As I thought about why he would like the post I remembered that once I've been in regular contact with a guy and suddenly he didn't react anymore and one week later (after he told me I'm so awesome and he would love to get to know me blahblah) I read in facebook that he's in a relationship now with another girl. And I liked the post because I thought 'oh nice, I let him think that I don't care because he doesn't deserve the knowing that I was pretty pissed because he really wrote me like we soon would meet up ...' so I guess sometimes you just want to let the other one know that you saw it or you want to act like 'aaaah I don't care f*ck you' xD.
MadMoiselle87 wrote:
Jim Chien Beige wrote:
One time a woman commented something on one of my bf's posts and I didn't like it. You know what I did? I liked the post and the comment just to let him know that I saw it. And I was jealous as hell. So Facebook is a silly game and a relationship killer.
You're so right. As I thought about why he would like the post I remembered that once I've been in regular contact with a guy and suddenly he didn't react anymore and one week later (after he told me I'm so awesome and he would love to get to know me blahblah) I read in facebook that he's in a relationship now with another girl. And I liked the post because I thought 'oh nice, I let him think that I don't care because he doesn't deserve the knowing that I was pretty pissed because he really wrote me like we soon would meet up ...' so I guess sometimes you just want to let the other one know that you saw it or you want to act like 'aaaah I don't care f*ck you' xD.
Exactly!!! It's a silly reaction I know, but we are just humans. 😊
My Facebook is deactivated, but soon I will activate that thing. Now that my guy and I are kind of back together, I won't let anything that happens in social media affects me.