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9/25/2016 1:59 pm  #1

It worked! It worked! OMG!!!

Hey Ladies! 
I've been meaning to write this success story since last Monday but I got so caught up with my classes and I didn't want to rush through the post, so here we go!

IT WORKED. I've been using PW/BWD on a guy I met earlier this year who I fell hard for but he moved out of state but I still continue to the use the methods every now and then cause I have no doubt he'll (I'll refer to him as G) come back to me, plus G is  the reason I got so into the Law of Attraction concepts because I refuse to lose G and to get something you never had you have to do something you've never done right? I so anyways, there was a guy before G, who I'll refer to as H. H broke my heart terribly, he made it seem like we were getting serious and out of no where he got back with his ex girlfriend of about 3 years after he told me he was completely over her back then and that I made him feel like no girl has ever had before. worst heartbreak ever. Shortly after, H deleted me after his snapchat and instagram and I never heard from him since (February). SO I thought it would be cool to "experiment" Lanie's methods with H, because I'll admit even though I want G back,  I wouldn't mind being with H in the meanwhile. Me using the methods on H was purely for fun, I had no idea how it would work out but I knew the sexual attraction between me and H was insane. I used the methods for no more than 4 times on H since June-ish. and just about a week ago (monday), I check my phone and he was H requesting to follow me again on Instagram, and he started messaging me and everything!! It was like nothing has changed. He was calling me beautiful, perfect, gorgeous and being super cute. I know H is good with words and I refuse to let myself fall so easily as I did before. We talked non-stop for about 3 days.
So YUP, Thats my success story with H! I was totally shocked because H was hardly on my mind, and I let all the hurt ago and when he would cross my mind I was simply just wonder how he's doing. I hoping it works the same with G cause that's who I want ;) I didn't know H would come back, which is so ironic because even though he unfollowed me on instagram, I was tempted to 'like a video he posted the day before as a "hello i'm still here" kinda way but I refused and remembered the no contact rule. I knew it would happen because when I saw his name flash on my phone I had a "about time!" moment lol! 

Although I have successfully brought H back, I gotta continue PW on him because we had plans to hang out yesterday and it didn't happen, and I'll admit I was hurt because we planned this since Monday and I live 4 hours away for college and I thought he would make this a priority and he didn't seem too affected by it although he apologized.  H is a player and sometimes I wonder if I want to continue these techniques with him but I am because I got nothing to lose, plus I'm not gonna lie when I say I fear him playing me again and going off with some other girl or his ex. and at first after communicating, he was more frequent with his texts and now he's getting kinda distanced again but I know my worth so I refuse to chase after him and lower my vibration. Or maybe my worries are nothing and he's really busy, I dont know. But I'll continue using the methods and keep everyone updated I'm trying to play it smart this second time around.  He hasn't contacted me at all today, so any tips would be SOOO helpful. 

however, this just gave me more hope for G, cause he's who I really want mentally and phyically, we "click" like no other and he did delete me from facebook about 2 months but if H who didnt contact me in months and deleted me from everything, then I have no doubt G will come back. Just gotta be patient  

Last edited by exquisite (9/25/2016 2:04 pm)

9/25/2016 8:16 pm  #2

Re: It worked! It worked! OMG!!!

Congratulations!  :-)

9/26/2016 12:10 am  #3

Re: It worked! It worked! OMG!!!

Awesome! You go girl ! ๐Ÿ˜

9/26/2016 5:50 am  #4

Re: It worked! It worked! OMG!!!

Yeah! Good job! 

9/26/2016 9:43 am  #5

Re: It worked! It worked! OMG!!!

Thanks for posting this. I really needed to hear this. Thanks you so much.๐Ÿ˜˜

9/26/2016 3:01 pm  #6

Re: It worked! It worked! OMG!!!

Oh my God exquisite, the H guy is just like my guy, who is H too ahahaha! I felt as if I was reading my story! I'll take it as a sign haha! Thank you for posting, good luck!!

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