So i laid down this morning and decided to listen to pwhip meditation... I ended up falling asleep about 10 minutes into it , but i woke up to a text from my ex boyfriend asking me out for drinks and another guy i used to mess around with tect me asking if i was working tonight ? I didnt text him back. I didnt really have a target in mind since i have a boyfriend but it just dawned on ne that this happened lol success ?
haha wow that's awesome!
Definite success!
cocoChanel wrote:
So i laid down this morning and decided to listen to pwhip meditation... I ended up falling asleep about 10 minutes into it , but i woke up to a text from my ex boyfriend asking me out for drinks and another guy i used to mess around with tect me asking if i was working tonight ? I didnt text him back. I didnt really have a target in mind since i have a boyfriend but it just dawned on ne that this happened lol success ?
Don't forget to keep the thecnique for the afect to be permanent.
What the fuck?
"Kind of" success?! That's a SUCCESS!
Ex wanted drinks? He wants you back.
Not only that, but TWO people?! You're on a roll!