Hello everyone on this amazing forum, it is very helpful and I am endlessly grateful for such a support! I am sorry for a long text but I would appreciate some insights please.
I would like to ask for a help. I had a relationship for 1.5year and we broke up and didn't talk for last 2 years. We always had a crazy sexual energy.
Recently (before I started using Lanie's technique) he got back in contact with me, we were texting about his troubles with now ex-girlfriend and about sexual life..Then we met personally and we were talking about lives, he said he wants to get back to his ex however he is enjoying meeting Tinder girls etc. I told him that I am happy to have him back in my life and that I hope we can build a friendship. I am keeping on using PW on him every day.
We met yesterday at his place to have a drink and while talking, he asked me if I have any hidden intentions. I told him that no, that I am straight forward with him. He said that he wants to be friends, but he doesn't want to ruin it by having sex with me, even though he is sexually attracted to me. I said that NOW he is not in a state for me to have sex with him, because he doesnt know what he wants in his life and also I am getting to know him again. Then he said that I am keeping the back door open and that he wants to make sure I am not expecting RELATIONSHIP because he doesnt believe in coming back to someone (well he still wants his current ex back).
I said: let's be friends, hang out, no sex until we would both agree.
I know he is sexually attracted to me, he also mentioned that.
I know he is now messed inside of him.
My question is:
Do you think by maintaining a friendship (no sex) with him, that I can get closer and connected to him that maybe he could change his mind in future about relationship even though now he is saying no?
What should I say now in PW, something like: I am in love with you again..?
I keep on believing we can be together again, maybe slowly, however I got a bit discouraged during yesterday's talk.
THANK YOU for your help xx
Okay well the sexual attraction is there, and you obviously are important enough for him to want to keep around. However, I would distance myself and use PW. Keeping yourself actively in his life may deter you from the reality you want to create (being in a relationship). I don't want to say absolutely no contact, but definitely make it clear to yourself especially that you are doing your own thing, focusing on yourself and not there at his beck and call. PW him and keep your distance, so he'll miss you and know that he'll have to work to get you. Be good to yourself by staying away for a bit. For me, removing myself from the situation always works. It gives me time to get my thoughts and vibes where I want them to be, rather than wondering all the time what he means by this and by that. Don't let him play games with you. Take control! ❤️
Thank you very much Amazonne for your answer, for me is now quite hard to stop thinking about him, however I am strong enough not to write him or chase him.
I believe that PW will work for us and awaken some romantic feelings in him
l.andilek wrote:
Thank you very much Amazonne for your answer, for me is now quite hard to stop thinking about him, however I am strong enough not to write him or chase him.
I believe that PW will work for us and awaken some romantic feelings in him
Of course! You don't have to cease all thoughts of him, just affirm to yourself that he is receiving all of your messages and can't stop thinking about you. Every time I randomly think about a crush I tell myself it's because he's thinking of me, and it makes me smile a little smugly 😏 Maybe that can help haha