The more you are ok with whatever the outcome the more it will work out!!
Here's just a few personal things that have happened to me the last few days.
My daughter needed a new winter coat,after not winning the one I really wanted on eBay I found another one that would do just fine,I bid on it,placed a price I was willing to go to but mentally said I really wanted it for the price it was currently at.i went to sleep,woke up and I'd won the coat at the price I'd said.
I wanted the coat but I was totally ok if I didn't get it and was ready to go and purchase a new expensive one for her.
I got a lovely letter telling me I'd missed a council tax payment and was been summoned to court!!
I phoned up to find out what was going on and mentally said this is all going to be ok but also was ready to deal with whatever was going to happen including court.
Turns out I'd actually over paid!!and the over payment had gone into a different account so no court action and my bill went down.
Today's biggy;
My car had its MOT this morning, as we drove it down I was visualising the phonecall saying it had passed but again I was ready for if it didn't and let it go.
Just had the phonecall and it's passed absolutely nothing needing doing to it.
The more you are ok with whatever the outcome and saying yes this is what I want but I'm ok if it doesn't happen the more it works out.
Looking back this is what happened when I got my house,I got chosen out of a lot of people,I was told 5 times I hadn't got it and got offered a flat instead and now I live in a brand new built house with all the latest heating system and the biggest garden of them all.
I drive the car I'd always wanted to drive.
I wanted all these things but I was ok with not having them.
So ladies and gentleman, yes we all want a relationship with our person but we are still living and getting on with life knowing that we will be ok with whatever the outcome.
Look back at things you have that you are really grateful for and think how you got it?were you ok with not having it then when you got it it was an amazing feeling?
Hope this gives you some positives that we really can have what we want just don't stress the how's and whys and when's 😀
Note:these are things that happened very quickly for me because I have raised my vibration.
My house and car took a lot longer but you can't just say I want this house and miraculously have it there and then.the universe has to find the best way to deliver it to you.
(little thing I remembered,before I learnt about loa I wrote down all I wanted in a house and found this note a while ago when we moved in here, and this house pretty much has everything on the list) also this house was just a field when I wrote that list!
If you truely want something and it's for the greater good you can have absolutely anything you want, it may take minutes, days months maybe years for something big but it will happen just ask believe get out of the universes way so it can do it's thing and be ready to recieve 😁
Last edited by MissFlip (10/13/2016 4:39 am)
pixelpie wrote:
MissFlip wrote:
The more you are ok with whatever the outcome the more it will work out!!
Here's just a few personal things that have happened to me the last few days.
My daughter needed a new winter coat,after not winning the one I really wanted on eBay I found another one that would do just fine,I bid on it,placed a price I was willing to go to but mentally said I really wanted it for the price it was currently at.i went to sleep,woke up and I'd won the coat at the price I'd said.
I wanted the coat but I was totally ok if I didn't get it and was ready to go and purchase a new expensive one for her.
I got a lovely letter telling me I'd missed a council tax payment and was been summoned to court!!
I phoned up to find out what was going on and mentally said this is all going to be ok but also was ready to deal with whatever was going to happen including court.
Turns out I'd actually over paid!!and the over payment had gone into a different account so no court action and my bill went down.
Today's biggy;
My car had its MOT this morning, as we drove it down I was visualising the phonecall saying it had passed but again I was ready for if it didn't and let it go.
Just had the phonecall and it's passed absolutely nothing needing doing to it.
The more you are ok with whatever the outcome and saying yes this is what I want but I'm ok if it doesn't happen the more it works out.
Looking back this is what happened when I got my house,I got chosen out of a lot of people,I was told 5 times I hadn't got it and got offered a flat instead and now I live in a brand new built house with all the latest heating system and the biggest garden of them all.
I drive the car I'd always wanted to drive.
I wanted all these things but I was ok with not having them.
So ladies and gentleman, yes we all want a relationship with our person but we are still living and getting on with life knowing that we will be ok with whatever the outcome.
Look back at things you have that you are really grateful for and think how you got it?were you ok with not having it then when you got it it was an amazing feeling?
Hope this gives you some positives that we really can have what we want just don't stress the how's and whys and when's 😀
Note:these are things that happened very quickly for me because I have raised my vibration.
My house and car took a lot longer but you can't just say I want this house and miraculously have it there and then.the universe has to find the best way to deliver it to you.
(little thing I remembered,before I learnt about loa I wrote down all I wanted in a house and found this note a while ago when we moved in here, and this house pretty much has everything on the list) also this house was just a field when I wrote that list!
If you truely want something and it's for the greater good you can have absolutely anything you want, it may take minutes, days months maybe years for something big but it will happen just ask believe get out of the universes way so it can do it's thing and be ready to recieve 😁You are so right and I love your post. Is it great when things just work out?😄
And I think for me when things happen it's not that I'm ok with any out come. It's more of a I can only see one outcome. The one I want. So much so that I except that no other outcome exist.☺
I have the same feeling Pixelpie.. Although I am content with the current "outcome". He littarly is everything I'd wish for in a guy. Like he checks ALL the point I had on my "I want my perfect man to be" list..He even looks a bit like my 'true love'. But in my heart I know I do not have the same strong feeling for my new guy compared to my previous love. I DO have feelings for him, strong feelings.. I AM happy, and he contributes to this happiness too. But the "you know this is the one"-chemistry is missing.. I did feel that with my previous love.. Just so confused. I just try to enjoy the current reality while working for my desired outcome, my man back..