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10/23/2016 1:21 pm  #1

Putting yourself inside the other person

I've heard in a discussion mentioned that there's a technique where you mentally place yourself inside the other person and talk through them to yourself, but the mention of it was vague. Has anyone had experience in doing this or know of a place that this is written about? 

10/23/2016 4:13 pm  #2

Re: Putting yourself inside the other person

Hi Sushi!

Yes, I use this method from time to time. You relax and as you are doing PW, you seperate yourself from your body and step in to the other persons body. You imagine what it would feel like being in their skin and see yourself through their eyes and let yourself feel and act as if you were them telling you what you would normally get the other person to say. It's very powerful but if the other person is in a bad headspace, the energy is transferred to you. It can be used for remote viewing or remote influence. Just be careful with the energy transfer. For that moment of time you are them. I've done this when someone was anxious and had anxiety for hours after.

10/23/2016 4:30 pm  #3

Re: Putting yourself inside the other person

Do you normally have anxiety or a hard time releasing it? My target is often angry so I'd be concerned about being angry for hours afterwards. I am better at damping down anxiety than anger. 

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10/23/2016 5:10 pm  #4

Re: Putting yourself inside the other person

No, I'm typically well collected and calm. When you do this method, the feelings you acquire are not your own and they feel foreign but you can't let go.

Here's my previous thread.

Last edited by DC (10/23/2016 5:17 pm)

10/23/2016 6:05 pm  #5

Re: Putting yourself inside the other person

Hi Sushi, thanks for reviving this topic.

Hi DC, i have tried this method a few times in the past (i wasnt sure what the actual technique is, but i winged it /  used a method similar to what you described above), is it normal to feel physical sensations of your target?

Once i tried it, and believed that i was connected to my target i felt a heaviness in my chest. That was on a weekend, when i met my target the following week he mentioned that he was feeling discomfort in is chest over the weekend (and no i didnt tell him what ive been doing, it was just a conversation we had).

Its weird because just like youve said that the anxiety stayed with you for some hours, the heaviness in my chest persisted for a few hours too.

All advice given is intended in the best interest of whomever I may be replying to & my opinions may not necessarily reflect those of the wider community on the forum.


10/23/2016 7:00 pm  #6

Re: Putting yourself inside the other person

I believe that this is a really powerful method but it does require that you enter the process with a high vibe and a strong understanding that there will be transfer.

2/17/2017 7:23 am  #7

Re: Putting yourself inside the other person


All advice given is intended in the best interest of whomever I may be replying to & my opinions may not necessarily reflect those of the wider community on the forum.


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