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10/22/2016 6:56 am  #1


Hey guys! I didn't know who to ask about this and as always I'm counting on you.
Yesterday I decided to find out who my angel is, and I learned that I can find out the name of my angel by numerology. My lifepath number is 3, and according to that my guardian angel is Jophiel. My target is also a 3. I was wondering, can one angel bring two people that he is guarding together? Could I ask archangel Jophiel to bring me and H together? Any thoughts would be appreciated

10/22/2016 7:17 pm  #2

Re: Angels

hi sag97, i suppose if you did and you backed up your request with a strong belief you could manifest this.
there are many vehicles / tools we employ to help us manifest, if you feel confident about this there is no harm in trying, and it would be great if you could update us with your results

All advice given is intended in the best interest of whomever I may be replying to & my opinions may not necessarily reflect those of the wider community on the forum.


10/23/2016 2:14 am  #3

Re: Angels

Thank you emmiline! I'm trying this. And I'll definitely let you know!! xxx

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10/23/2016 11:22 pm  #4

Re: Angels

I catch 3:33 ALL THE TIME, seconded by 11:11.

"I am not throwing away my shot!" - Lin Manuel Miranda

10/24/2016 1:26 am  #5

Re: Angels

AnnanWater wrote:

I catch 3:33 ALL THE TIME, seconded by 11:11.

I catch 3:33 all the time too every time I look at the clock. Literally 9/10 times, id say. Can't be a coincidence! Especially since some clocks are "untuned", and I see "x:33" on them too so it can't just be a biological clock thing.

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