LANIE STEVENS Books & Meditations --

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10/24/2016 12:18 pm  #1

Neville by Wayne Dyer

​I ran across this on youtube and it really resonated with me.  One of the biggest ah-ha moments was at the end where he talks about judgement.

Hopefully this helps others.

10/25/2016 8:31 am  #2

Re: Neville by Wayne Dyer

Loved it, thank you so much💖

10/25/2016 1:29 pm  #3

Re: Neville by Wayne Dyer

gt wrote:

​I ran across this on youtube and it really resonated with me.  One of the biggest ah-ha moments was at the end where he talks about judgement.

Hopefully this helps others.

I JUST watched this Saturday!  How DIVINE is that?? I love synchronicity.

10/26/2016 1:20 am  #4

Re: Neville by Wayne Dyer

gt wrote:

​I ran across this on youtube and it really resonated with me.  One of the biggest ah-ha moments was at the end where he talks about judgement.

Hopefully this helps others.


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