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10/28/2016 3:50 pm  #1

Opinions please

Hi everyone,so I'm on holiday right now and I've been having really strong energy/feelings about my man.possibly because he was ment to be here with us and this time last year he was with pretty sure he either knows I've still come on this holiday or he will by the end of the weekend.
Anyway after seeing him the other day my feelings/energy are growing stronger everyday and as you may know we have each other blocked so there is no contact at all but tonight when checking Facebook there was a picture of him (I never look at his profile and purposely don't look at anything he could be in) so it kinda shocked me,he's grown a beard which he never had while we were together and the only other time I've known him have one when when he split up with his previous ex and he really was down and kinda let himself go.
Im getting confused,it really feels like it could all be starting to happen and that I'll hear from him soon and when I look at my phone I can't believe there's not a message from him it feels that real.
Then the conflicting thoughts come in and I know they are silly but I think why has he grown a beard,is it because of me or someone else.
Does anyone else think these are good things that are happening?

10/29/2016 3:45 am  #2

Re: Opinions please

Thanks pixlepie,I don't know why I got so freaked out,I think maybe because I've been thinking about him quite a bit and then his photo popped up.i actually took it as a good sign because I haven't seen him for so long apart from the other day so it's like he's slowly starting to reaper in my life which is brilliant,your right I do think I'm doing good I think I had a wobble

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10/29/2016 9:12 am  #3

Re: Opinions please

I agree with Pixlepie.  Before really deciding to put my all into this work, I was constantly looking on the outside for validation of what was happening.  ANYTHING I could find that could some way be related to him and us I took as a sign.  I do believe that signs are there as a little wink of our alignment, so I believe you can seek solace in this because reality matched up with your belief about why he has grown a beard - you are in alignment.  However, I  also believe they should be taken as lightly as a wink rather than a point of focus.  As a habit, I used to be all consumed with signs and it would completely derail my focus and stopped me living in the end result. I'd inadvertently become obsessed without realising it.   Then I'd gain equilibrium and start again.  I have manifested him back before with a more scattered energy, but that produced a scattered result.  Not what I want or need, pure intention is the only way.    Now, I am making a conscious decision to acknowledge and then let go of anything that appears to be a sign and concentrate my focus on living in the moment.  Making up stories about what appears to be has not.  You are doing really well and good things are happening!!!!

Last edited by Jag123 (10/29/2016 9:15 am)

10/30/2016 4:22 am  #4

Re: Opinions please

Hi MissFlip,
Hold onto this

MissFlip wrote:

…When I look at my phone I can't believe there's not a message from him it feels that real.

And let go of this

MissFlip wrote:

…Then the conflicting thoughts come in and I know they are silly but I think why has he grown a beard, is it because of me or someone else.


All advice given is intended in the best interest of whomever I may be replying to & my opinions may not necessarily reflect those of the wider community on the forum.


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