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11/06/2016 6:11 am  #1

Strange things

Hi everyone, I'll try and keep to the points here.
These last few days I've been having really strong urges to phone my man,I have no reason to and when I actually think about picking up the phone I don't really want to call him so I haven't, but the urges won't go away.I'm starting to wonder if I'm picking up on him wanting to talk to me.

Next,a few of you might know I actually unblocked him off Facebook a week ago.since I blocked him last time I've had a message notification that no matter what I did wouldn't go away.(I even half hoped it was a unread message from him) the other night something just hit me like a brick that he'd read the last message I sent him on there (it was telling him to stop waving at me when he has me blocked and to block me on Facebook aswell) when I logged on to fb the message notification had gone,I have no idea if or when he's even read that message so I could be over reading into things but I swear my heart skipped a beat when my phone buzzed it felt that real but it was only a email.the urges/feelings are so strong that I even had to look at his facebook and he hasn't blocked me.

Last,my guy works for my family farm and I purposely keep away from there when I know he's at work.we were ment to have a bonfire party there last night but the weather was awful so it was cancelled (he wasn't at work anyway) and after talking to my sister in law,the next night we are all free again is the night he's at work,I more than likely won't see him but he'll know I'm there because the only place I can put my car will be right next to his.

It really is feeling like the universe is starting to line things up ready to try again.
It's just the urge to call him that's confusing me, because although I really want to speak to him I have no reason to and I want the first contact to come from him first.and I'm really listening to how I feel inside now instead of just rushing into things.

Has anyone else had anything like this happen to them before they got their man back or had contact?

11/06/2016 2:44 pm  #2

Re: Strange things

Hi MissFlip,

I am feeling like this today.  I really want to contact him too because I miss him.  Generally we are quite in sync, so I am guessing he is missing me too.

I'm thinking that maybe you are getting focussed on the whole fb thing.  You want answers, and that is perfectly understandable, but you need to allow the universe to do its thing.  Overthinking what he may be thinking or that he may know you have been at the farm is starting to make you lose your focus.   You are  doing so well don't give up now..  If you give into the urge to contact him, you may get your answers but you may not get the end result that you want.  The universe may well be lining things up, but you shouldn't have to "make things happen"  things will happen when they are meant to.  When you feel the urge to take action, it should feel natural, like the next logical step with no second guessing.  There seems to be a forced air to you post which doesn't sound like the next logical step to me, give it time.  

Stay strong!! 


11/06/2016 6:38 pm  #3

Re: Strange things

Hi MissFlip,
For now try writing down what you want to say to him, it might take the edge off.

All advice given is intended in the best interest of whomever I may be replying to & my opinions may not necessarily reflect those of the wider community on the forum.


11/07/2016 2:12 am  #4

Re: Strange things

very nice

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