Had a few good feeling things happened to me today.....firstly a few hours after doing my PW on him I was lying on top of my bed just reading and relaxing and I kept getting these shivery goosebumps feelings going from top of my head downwards, they felt so nice and made me feel so content (I like to think they were from him lol, even though we have NC for 3 weeks).
Second my friend just messaged me a picture which she said reminded her of me, which was really nice! Even nicer was that it was a picture I had seen myself on fb about an hour before and really liked!
Another thing which I know I shouldn't have done but another friend annoyed me last night with negative comments to do with my man which I really didn't want to hear as I'd already dealt with what had happened and started forgiving him and myself for everything! Anyways long story short for some stupid reason I went on to messenger and checked to see when he was last online (i'd stopped doing this about a week ago) it said 17 hours ago and at that point he came online, I thought oh that's a bit freaky lol and immediately went offline!
Had a really nice but strange dream last night.....I can't recall ever dreaming about him before!
I dreamt I was at some event and he was there sitting talking to people, I was sat with a friend of his (I have never met any of his friends), his friend told me my guy loved me to which I replied no he doesn't, he's never said he did. At that point his friend got up went over to my guy and I could see them having a conversation, he then came back and said see I told you he did he just told me! Then there was a loud noise like someone shouting which startled me and woke me up with a jolt!
No idea whether this means anything or not after the things that happened yesterday, but it gives me a really good feeling that things are coming together
Hi daisychain, love the updates - you are definitly in good place vibrationally!
emmiline wrote:
Hi daisychain, love the updates - you are definitly in good place vibrationally!
Thank you emmiline, I definitely feel a big change in myself over the past week, I still have dips but I am able to pull myself back so much quicker. Life is good
Last edited by daisychain (11/14/2016 7:57 am)
**Update - since my reply above the goosebumpy shivery feeling has started again, sometimes really strong and then fades off. It's been going like ripples from back of my head to my neck on and off for over an hour all on the left side, which probably by coincidence is the side of my neck I always visualise him kissing as that's the side he mostly did sure does feel good
Having a really bad day today and yesterday wasn't much better. Really missing him today and feeling quite negative, trying my hardest to bring myself out but it's not working as well as it usually does It's like all my feelings I had back when I found out about him having a g/f have come back to punch me in the gut
Is this kind of feeling normal after feeling and seeing yourself turn a corner and feeling your vibrations rising higher like I have done above? I'm hoping it is and i'll bounce back quick!
Last edited by daisychain (11/15/2016 1:49 pm)
Don't let yourself get down I also had my ups and downs (my guy also has a new -temporary- gf, so I know your pain). Just keep believing you will get your end result. He needs to learn some things along the way to get back together with you in a better and stronger relationship. He is just not there jet, so you keep working on healing yourself and get back that best version of yourself. Be truly happy. Watch 'circumstances don't matter' ( ), it really helped me see that I shouldn't look at the current reality. This 'reality' is only an echo of my previous thoughts, to create my desire reality I should focus on my desired outcome. Hope this helps for you too X
lalalovely wrote:
Don't let yourself get down
I also had my ups and downs (my guy also has a new -temporary- gf, so I know your pain). Just keep believing you will get your end result. He needs to learn some things along the way to get back together with you in a better and stronger relationship. He is just not there jet, so you keep working on healing yourself and get back that best version of yourself. Be truly happy. Watch 'circumstances don't matter' ( ), it really helped me see that I shouldn't look at the current reality. This 'reality' is only an echo of my previous thoughts, to create my desire reality I should focus on my desired outcome. Hope this helps for you too X
Thank you lalalovely, your kind words have helped pick me up, sometimes hearing someone else tell us what we already know helps, as telling yourself sometimes just isn't enough
The hard part is he is miles away in another country and we haven't spoken for 4 weeks so I can't tell if he's feeling anything, I know they always feel the PW/BWD etc but sometimes it would be nice to be able to see for yourself!
I shall keep working on ME, as i'm the important one here. You are right he also needs to learn some things before we get back in a stronger and better relationship.
I'm going to go watch that video just now. I WILL GET MY END RESULT as will you, thank you x
I know how that feels too ;) haha. My guy also works overseas from time to time. So sometimes I just don't know if he is in a range of 30 minutes or on the other side of the planet. I had contact with him a few days ago, I know he is in israel now. Although I was kind of relieved he was not in my neighbourhood I was also scared it would affect me (I just reached the point that I didn't care where he was). What I can tell you from my experience is that he will get it. I don't know how. I don't know what he is getting (the clear message or just a positive thought of me) but I know he is thinking about me at least from time to time (even with his temporary gf around) when I do PW/BWD/Visualizations. How do I know?
- When I first started PW, I got a notification from my linked in that he checked my profile DURING one of my PW sessions. He only once looked before (when he just got linked in and probably didnt know you could see who viewed your pf) and I didn't change anything in a long time on that profile.
- I got a text from him asking if I wanted to meet him. I manifested this through the "get a text from your ex challenge" from veronica isles. I visualized the text, texted myself with his name, read it over and over untill I believed it. And a few weeks after I recieved a text from him asking me if I still wanted to meet him. I hold back because I still wasnt as strong enough at that point.
- Another time, we'd skyped to talk about what really happend between us (I got weird stories from others, so basically for closure). After that I had something like: "Ok, from now on I let the negative go and only initiate contact through PW".. Well at that point I always initiated our texting/skype conversations. Well our last skype conversations was (although the heavy topic) so good, we talked for 3 hours about our lives and everything. But after that, I didn't text him as I usually did. Only through PW and send him messages like "I liked our last skype conversation, it made me feel so good to talk to you and I know you still feel that bond between us too". So 3 weeks AFTER the skype conversation he messaged me out of the blue asking me how I'd felt after the skype conversation.
- Once, when I had a really strong PW session with him I visualized text from him apoligizing and reconciling with me. It felt so real I was just overwhelmed with emotions of happiness and gratitude. I decided to go for a run to get my head clear and forget about the visualization. When I came back I saw I had a "like" in my facebook messenger conversation from him. NOTE: we hadn't talked in that conversation since november 2015 (this happend in sept 2016). We weren't in contact in any other form for weeks (maybe months I cant remember). And when I checked the time of the "like" what do you think? He send it during my strong visualization...
just wow.
I have no problems manifesting contact with him. I know I still have some resistance to work on, but I do believe they get some message/feeling/memorie of us when we use the technique on them. I had too many things happen to me (manifested) to believe otherwise (even with other people/things). Offcourse it's hard to not hear from him in weeks even months and 'not be sure the technique works'. I could definitely recommand you to use the technique in other areas of your life too. It only builds up to your faith when you actively start manifesting. I sometimes wish too that he would already pick up the phone and calls me during a PW sessions and says "I DONT KNOW WHAT IT IS BUT I MISS YOU AND NEED YOU BACK RIGHT NOW." but he needs to figure out for himself how he handels his feelings/thoughts. I trust the universe to get us back together when it's the right time/circumstances and enjoy my life in between.
sorry for the long post, hope it helps you.
lalalovely wrote:
I know how that feels too ;) haha. My guy also works overseas from time to time. So sometimes I just don't know if he is in a range of 30 minutes or on the other side of the planet. I had contact with him a few days ago, I know he is in israel now. Although I was kind of relieved he was not in my neighbourhood I was also scared it would affect me (I just reached the point that I didn't care where he was). What I can tell you from my experience is that he will get it. I don't know how. I don't know what he is getting (the clear message or just a positive thought of me) but I know he is thinking about me at least from time to time (even with his temporary gf around) when I do PW/BWD/Visualizations. How do I know?
- When I first started PW, I got a notification from my linked in that he checked my profile DURING one of my PW sessions. He only once looked before (when he just got linked in and probably didnt know you could see who viewed your pf) and I didn't change anything in a long time on that profile.
- I got a text from him asking if I wanted to meet him. I manifested this through the "get a text from your ex challenge" from veronica isles. I visualized the text, texted myself with his name, read it over and over untill I believed it. And a few weeks after I recieved a text from him asking me if I still wanted to meet him. I hold back because I still wasnt as strong enough at that point.
- Another time, we'd skyped to talk about what really happend between us (I got weird stories from others, so basically for closure). After that I had something like: "Ok, from now on I let the negative go and only initiate contact through PW".. Well at that point I always initiated our texting/skype conversations. Well our last skype conversations was (although the heavy topic) so good, we talked for 3 hours about our lives and everything. But after that, I didn't text him as I usually did. Only through PW and send him messages like "I liked our last skype conversation, it made me feel so good to talk to you and I know you still feel that bond between us too". So 3 weeks AFTER the skype conversation he messaged me out of the blue asking me how I'd felt after the skype conversation.
- Once, when I had a really strong PW session with him I visualized text from him apoligizing and reconciling with me. It felt so real I was just overwhelmed with emotions of happiness and gratitude. I decided to go for a run to get my head clear and forget about the visualization. When I came back I saw I had a "like" in my facebook messenger conversation from him. NOTE: we hadn't talked in that conversation since november 2015 (this happend in sept 2016). We weren't in contact in any other form for weeks (maybe months I cant remember). And when I checked the time of the "like" what do you think? He send it during my strong visualization...
just wow.
I have no problems manifesting contact with him. I know I still have some resistance to work on, but I do believe they get some message/feeling/memorie of us when we use the technique on them. I had too many things happen to me (manifested) to believe otherwise (even with other people/things). Offcourse it's hard to not hear from him in weeks even months and 'not be sure the technique works'. I could definitely recommand you to use the technique in other areas of your life too. It only builds up to your faith when you actively start manifesting. I sometimes wish too that he would already pick up the phone and calls me during a PW sessions and says "I DONT KNOW WHAT IT IS BUT I MISS YOU AND NEED YOU BACK RIGHT NOW." but he needs to figure out for himself how he handels his feelings/thoughts. I trust the universe to get us back together when it's the right time/circumstances and enjoy my life in between.![]()
sorry for the long post, hope it helps you.
Haha how weird that your guy is overseas too! Sometimes it's easier him being from another country as I know that I can't see him whenever I want and we've never had that kind of relationship, it started as a holiday fling!
Wow your manifestations are fantastic, they give me hope. I'm going to knuckle down on my visualisations and really try and feel them, feel him during them and recite Bashar to myself when i'm having blips "circumstances don't matter, only state of being matters". I'd seen that before but it really hit home when I watched it again, so thank you for reminding me of it
I think I will try manifesting small things in other areas and see what happens
Your posts were just what I needed, I woke up feeling more positive this morning, thanks