This is a great article to start us off on achieving a LOA mindset.
It's about Mental Mastery
7 Laws Of Mental Mastery
Why is it that so few people are living up to their potential?
Most people today live by the Law of Accident. Things just happen whether it is health, happiness, peace, prosperity or high achievement if you are in the right place at the right time. To the degree which it is accepted by default, this is the governing principle for most people.
In its simplest terms, it says that failing to plan is planning to fail.
3 Basic Operating Principles
Life is hard. Always has been and always will be. If you accept this premise, than interestingly enough life somehow becomes a little easier.
Everything you are or ever will be is up to you. If you want your future to be different, you have to make better choices.
Perhaps the most important. You can learn anything you need to learn (including Social Media) to become anyone you want to become, to achieve anything you want to achieve.
To move ahead, you have to both learn and unlearn a few things. You are locked in place at your current level of knowledge and skill. Your future largely depends on what you learn and practice from this moment forward.
Mental laws are like physical laws in that they are in force 100% of the time.
7 Laws of Mental Mastery
Law of Control – Control over you life begins with your thoughts, the only thing over which you do have complete control.
Law of Cause & Effect – There are specific causes of success and there are specific causes of failure. Whatever you sow you reap. “Thoughts are causes and conditions are effects.”
Law of Belief – Whatever you believe with feeling, becomes your reality.
Law of Expectations – Whatever you expect with confidence becomes your own self-fulling prophecy.
Law of Attraction – You invariably attract into your life people and situations in harmony with your dominant thoughts.
Law of Correspondence – Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. “As within, so without.”
Law of Mental Equivalency – Your thoughts, vividly imagined and repeated, charged with emotion, become your reality.
Putting these ideas to work
Now take some time, based on the action of these mental laws, to think about how your habitual modes of thought have created every aspect of your life today.
Relationships – What is it in your attitudes, beliefs, expectations, and behaviors that is causing your problems with other people?
Health – What are your ideas and beliefs about your weight, level of fitness, personal appearance, diet and rest? How do these beliefs help or hinder you?
Career – How do your thoughts affect your positions, your progress, the quality of your work, and the amount of satisfaction you get from what you do?
Financial Achievement – What would you like to increase or improve? What are your beliefs and expectations concerning your material well-being? How much would you like to earn, and why?
Quality of your inner life – Your thoughts, feelings, peace of mind and happiness. What beliefs, attitudes and expectations are creating your world today? Which of them do you need to change?
If you are honest with yourself, you will find that you have self-limiting ways of thinking in one or more of these areas. This is quite normal. Honestly facing the facts about yourself is the starting point of rapid self-improvement.
thank you learned something new today.